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Organisation: NTA - Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd.
Location: Israel


Public Tender No. 112/2023

Tender for the Operation of the Tel Aviv Metropolitan LRT Green Line and Purple Line (the ”Tender”)

1. NTA - Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd. (”NTA”), is an Israeli government owned company tasked with the development of the mass transit system in the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, which includes, inter alia, an LRT network, comprised of three (3) LRT lines (the Red Line, the Green Line and the Purple Line).

2. NTA hereby notifies that certain amendments have been made to the Tender Documents, including updating the schedule for the Tender Process and postponing the Bid Submission Date to June 19th, 2024, by no later than 14:00 (Israel standard time).

3. Full particulars regarding all such amendments and updates are available for review at the following website: www.nta.co.il (“NTA’s Website”), under the “Tenders” tab – Addendum No. 18.

4. The potential bidders attention is drawn to the fact that all submission required under the Tender Documents are required to be submitted in accordance with the updated schedule for the Tender (as described in paragraphs ‎2 and ‎3 above).

5. Without derogating Clause 4 above, all previous submissions already made by Bidders and/or Participating Entities prior to the updates in the Tender Documents (as described in paragraphs ‎2 and ‎3 above) shall be considered part of their Bid.

6. NTA hereby clarifies that the potential bidders are required to check NTA’s Website on a regular basis for any Addenda, updates, changes or modifications during the Tender process, particularly before the Bid Submission Date. NTA further clarifies that it shall have no responsibility to inform any individual Bidder of any such publications.

7. All capitalized terms used and not defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Tender Document.