
Organisation: Region Pays de la Loire.
Location: France

The Pays de la Loire Region, public transport authority for rail passengers, has published a concession notice opening the « Le Mans railway node » services.

It includes the following rail links:

  • all services with departure or arrival between Alençon and Château-du-Loir (including Alençon - Château-du-Loir via Le Mans),
  • services on the axis Caen - Le Mans - Tours (including Caen - Tours via Le Mans, Caen - Le Mans, Caen -Alençon, Caen - Argentan, Le Mans - Tours),
  • all services with departure or arrival between Laval and Nogent-Le-Rotrou (including Laval - Nogent-Le Rotrou via Le Mans et Laval - Le Mans),
  • all services with departure or final arrival between Le Mans et Angers (including Le Mans - Sablé-sur-Sarthe and Le Mans – Angers).

It represents a volume of 2,800,000 train.kilometres (tkm) in 2022 and potentially up to 6,000,000 train.kilometers (tkm) in 2035. There were 175 million passenger-kilometers (vk) in 2022.

Contract awarding is expected in early 2026 and operation to start in December 2030. The operating period will have an expected duration of 10 years. The tendering file will be communicated after the applications’ approval.

The operator’s main duties will include operating the trains, management, buying and maintaining rolling stock, delivering services and information to the passengers, ticketing, and improving the quality of service. The operator will also have to buy rolling stock and finance and carry out the installation of a maintenance and storage workshop.

Under the conditions provided by law, the employment contracts of staff contributing to the operations and continuity of the public service will be transferred in the case of a change of the transport operating company.

The notice is published on the website of the Official Journal of the European Union: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/-/detail/703432-2024

Deadline for applications is January 10th, 2025, at 12:00. The contract documents are available at the following address: https://marchespublics.paysdelaloire.fr/