RUSSIA: A longer and wider design of overnight coach developed by Transmashholding’s Tver Carriage Works is undergoing certification trials at the VNIIZhT test centre in Belorechensk.
The Type 61-4533 coach meeting the T profile is 730 mm longer and 280 mm wider than the 1-BM profile cars common on the 1 520 mm gauge network. This enables the corridor to be 90 mm wider, the berths 150 mm longer and an additional compartment provided.
The Type 61-4535 car includes a staff compartment and two compartments for passengers with reduced mobility, along with an accessible shower cubicle and toilet, and newly designed wheelchair lift.
It also features modern braking, power supply, microclimate control and diagnostic systems for more efficient operation.
An initial six of the coaches are being produced for Russian Railways.