Garforth Beacon bridge footbridge (Photo Network Rail)

UK: The first footbridge built to the Beacon design has been installed by Network Rail and contractor AmcoGiffen at Garforth in West Yorkshire.

Work is continuing to install the lifts, which will come with illuminated shafts which inspired the name of the design.

The Beacon bridge is one of three concepts for modern station footbridges which were unveiled in 2018. It was designed by Haskoll Architects, engineering consultancy Davies Maguire and Gottlieb Paludan Architects as a modern interpretation of the traditional footbridge.

It is primarily aimed at smaller stations and suitable for spans of up to 20 m. During development it was discovered that standard enclosed footbridges make some passengers feel unsafe, especially while travelling alone and at night, and so the Beacon bridge has side panels made from toughened glass so users can see if other people are also using the bridge or staircases.