GBRf Health and Wellbeing centre, with CEO John Smith getting a blood pressure check

UK: GB Railfreight has opened dedicated health and wellbeing centres at its offices in London and Doncaster.

The centres are equipped to check hearing, vision and blood pressure, and to undertake electrocardiograms, both for new staff and as part of annual check-ups.

‘These new centres provide state of the art equipment allowing us to bring more preventative medical care in-house than ever before’, said the operator’s Chief Medical Officer Dr Manuel Fernandez. ‘’This means reduced waiting times, greater convenience and more flexibility for our people.’

CEO John Smith said the £22 000 investment in the two sites was ‘about more than just new healthcare facilities – it signals our continued commitment to keeping the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees at the forefront of what we do — ultimately protecting our people and our services’.