Artefacts from St Mary's Archaeological dig - Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire (Photo HS2 Ltd)

UK: High speed line project promoter HS2 Ltd has awarded what it says is the largest ever archaeological post-excavation contract to the Access+ consortium.

HS2 has worked with Historic England to develop the scope of the six-year contract which is worth up to £32·5m. It covers detailed research, analysis, publication and archiving of all the archaeological and historic building investigations carried out along the route between London and the West Midlands.

Once the final post-excavation research is complete, it is anticipated that the artefacts will be deposited in museums near to the HS2 route where they were discovered.

Access+ is led by Headland Archaeology and includes 4AD Consultants, Arup, Copper Consultancy, DigVentures, Museum of London Archaeology, HSE Solutions and a wide range of industry and academic specialists.

‘HS2’s archaeological fieldwork was unprecedented in its size and scale and explored over 10 000 years of British history’, said Helen Wass, Head of Historic Environment at HS2 Ltd. ‘Access+ will be delivering on our commitment to share our findings with local communities and leave a lasting legacy for years to come.’