
UK: Network Rail completed a 10-day rehabilitation of the railway around Guildford on April 20.

Around 1 500 metres of new track was installed on the lines approaching Guildford from Worplesdon and Wanborough, 41 track circuits were refurbished to improve reliability and 1 200 metres of conductor rail renewed.

Engineers removed around 800 tonnes of sand at St Catherine’s Tunnel, and strengthened an embankment and rockface to prevent landslips and enable the removal of a 30 km/h speed restriction imposed late last year.

Tamping took place at Witley, and new timbers and rails were installed on a bridge over the River Wey at Godalming.

‘We’ve now completed the biggest rail improvement programme in the Guildford area for nearly 40 years, one that has taken two years to plan and will provide a more reliable railway and better journeys for passengers’, said Mark Killick, Route Director for Network Rail Wessex.