Railway workers

UK: The Rail Safety & Standards Board has launched a quarterly report to help railway organisations gain a better understanding of their health and wellbeing performance.

The reports will provide health, HR and operational decision-makers with access to shared, aggregated data to assess and monitor health risks, and benchmark against others.

RSSB said the report marks ‘the start of a new era’ in health data-sharing by the rail industry, building on successful work on safety issues in the last 25 years.

For the first time, health risks are quantified in a way that can help rail wellbeing champions and budget holders target the right interventions.

RSSB is keen to stress that it is early days for the programme, and while the figures can provide ‘food-for-thought’, the real value will be for the 12 organisations that participated in the benchmarking to get their own customised analysis and assessment from RSSB.

RSSB is still open to new participants joining the research phase.

Work to improve the benchmarking and reporting process is ongoing, and by June 2024 the last phase of the work will see the roll-out of the system to the whole industry.

‘Tackling the risk and cost associated with poor health is much more difficult without the right data to quantify them’, said RSSB’s Health & Wellbeing Specialist, Magdalena Wronska on May 27. ‘This ground-breaking research and new quarterly report help industry take a huge leap forward in data capability and insights. It means board rooms and budget holders are better informed about the choices concerning policy and investment in health. And ultimately this means better employee wellbeing, and reduced risk and cost.’
