National Rail - Small switch big difference - station

UK: The rail industry has teamed up with the Campaign for Better Transport to highlight how swapping one return car journey for a train can make a big difference when it comes to helping tackle climate change.

If every one of the 42·3 million licensed car drivers in Britain were to switch one return journey a year it would save the same amount of CO2 as switching off half of the UK’s street lighting for a year, insulating 265 627 homes, or recycling 450 Olympic swimming pools of recyclable rubbish.

‘Rail travel is one of the greenest forms of public transport, and plays a critical role in helping tackle climate change’, said Rail Delivery Group CEO Jacqueline Starr on September 19.

‘Many of us are increasingly concerned about our personal impact on the environment, and what we can do to lessen it, which is why we’re encouraging motorists to swap their car keys for a train ticket just once a year. It’s a small switch that can make a big difference in helping people to reduce their carbon footprint.’
