Australia railway news – Page 10

  • au Sydney Trains - (Andy Leung, Pixabay)
    Metro Report International

    Sydney travel app adds social distancing information


    AUSTRALIA: Transport for New South Wales has worked with Amazon Web Services, digital services company Tigerspike and transport software developer AppJourney to add physical distancing and passenger occupancy notifications for Sydney Trains and metro services to the Opal Travel app. Passengers can receive real time alerts about ...

  • au-artc-inland-rail-Narrabri-200318

    Narrabri – North Star upgrading contract signed


    AUSTRALIA: An A$650m contract for the next phase of the Inland Rail corridor has been signed by Australian Rail Track Corp and the Trans4m Rail joint venture.

  • au Brisbane (Photo: Kon Karampelas/Pixabay)

    Competence management technology company looks to Asia-Pacific market


    AUSTRALIA: Competence management technology and training company AssessTech has opened an office in Brisbane to serve the Asia-Pacific region. Graham Force has been appointed as Business Development Manager, initially focusing on Australia and New Zealand. ‘We see huge potential for us to help improve competence management across ...

  • au Perth Ellenbrook contract

    Morley – Ellenbrook line construction contract awarded


    AUSTRALIA: The MELconnx Consortium has been awarded the contract to design and build the 21 km Morley – Ellenbrook line to serve the northeast suburbs of Perth. The A$700m contract was signed on October 18 by the Western Australia government and the Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction-led consortium ...

  • au Sydney Metro artist's impression of Crows Nest station
    Metro Report International

    A$370m Sydney Metro station contract awarded


    AUSTRALIA: The New South Wales government has awarded construction company AW Edwards a $370m contract to build and fit out Crows Nest station on the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project. The site has already been excavated to a depth of 25 m by Sydney Metro’s tunnelling ...

  • au-adelaide-tram-town-hall
    Metro Report International

    Adelaide tram software contract


    AUSTRALIA: The Torrens Connect joint venture of John Holland, UGL and bus operator Torrens Transit selected Trapeze to supply planning and scheduling software software to support its succesful bid for the Adelaide tram operating contract, leading to a subsequent long-term roll-out. ‘Using the Trapeze software to run ...

  • tn_au-Gold-Coast-LRT-surfersparadise-CJ.jpg
    Metro Report International

    John Holland to build Stage 3 of Gold Coast light rail


    AUSTRALIA: Gold Coast Light Rail project company GoldlinQ has selected John Holland as preferred bidder for design and construction of the Stage 3 extension to Burleigh Heads. Following an initial call for expressions of interest, GoldlinQ shortlisted three bidders in February to submit final tenders. John Holland ...

  • au-bowen-rail-employee-news

    Bowen Rail prepares to haul Carmichael coal


    AUSTRALIA: Queensland-based Bowen Rail Company has applied to the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator for accreditation as a train operating company, having already started the procurement of locomotives and wagons. Describing itself as a ‘next-generation rail business, created to transport Queensland’s high quality resources ...

  • Electric train on tracks 3

    Keolis Downer to run Adelaide suburban network


    AUSTRALIA: Keolis Downer has been awarded an A$2·1bn contract to operate the 122 km Adelaide Metro suburban rail network for eight years from the end of January 2021, with an optional four-year extension.

  • au-inland-rail-Parkes-ministers

    Inland Rail first phase completed


    AUSTRALIA: Celebrations were held at Peak Hill in the central west of New South Wales on September 15 to mark completion of the first section of the 1 700 km Inland Rail corridor between Melbourne and Brisbane.

  • au Victoria Bombardier Vlocity DMU

    Victoria orders standard gauge VLocity DMUs


    AUSTRALIA: The government of Victoria has exercised an option for Bombardier Transportation to supply a further 18 three-car VLocity diesel multiple-units from its Dandenong factory. The order announced on September 15 has been placed under an agreement initially signed in 2018. It covers 12 additional DMUs for ...

  • au-melbourne-port-intermodal-JK

    East Swanson rail terminal agreed


    AUSTRALIA: Port of Melbourne has reached agreement with Patrick Terminals to develop a rail terminal at Swanson Dock East as part of plans to boost the proportion of the port’s throughput moving by rail.

  • 03.006.17_P&O_FA-RGI
    In depth

    Freight: Unlocking access to Australia’s largest port


    Despite surging growth in in recent years, the port of Melbourne remains heavily reliant on road haulage, causing major impacts in the nearby city centre. So the state government and port operator are redoubling efforts to shift more freight to rail after a number of false starts. John Kirk reports.

  • Ricardo and Seoul Metro have been appointed to act as the shadow operator to support two projects to expand Sydney’s driverless metro network.
    Metro Report International

    Shadow operator appointed to support Sydney metro expansion


    AUSTRALIA: Ricardo and Seoul Metro have been appointed to act as the shadow operator to support two projects to expand Sydney’s driverless metro network. Sydney Metro West would run 25 km underground from Parramatta to the central business district, while the 23 km Western Sydney Airport link ...

  • au NSW Tamworth Intermodal announcement

    Tamworth Intermodal Rail Line funding announced


    AUSTRALIA: The government of New South Wales has announced A$28m of funding for the Tamworth Intermodal Rail Line to reinstate a section of non-operational railway between West Tamworth and Barraba. This will provide a rail route to a planned intermodal facility at Westdale near Tamworth. Construction is ...

  • Sydney metro
    Metro Report International

    Sydney Metro West tunnelling shortlist


    AUSTRALIA: The government of New South Wales has shortlisted three consortia for the first two major tunnelling packages of the Sydney Metro West project, which will link Parramatta with the central business district. They are: John Holland, CPB Contractors and Ghella Australia (JHCPBG JV); Gamuda and ...

  • The government of New South Wales has awarded Siemens Mobility a A$80m contract to supply a traffic management system covering Sydney Trains operations.

    Siemens awarded Sydney traffic management system contract


    AUSTRALIA: The government of New South Wales has awarded Siemens Mobility a A$80m contract to supply a traffic management system covering Sydney Trains operations. Scheduled to be ready for operation in 2023, the TMS will continually monitor the position of all trains, helping to keep services running ...

  • 1. Sydney_Trains_Control_Centre_Operator_Using_SafeZone_Omniguard

    Sydney Trains selects SafeZone for security and emergency management


    AUSTRALIA: Sydney Trains is to deploy CriticalArc’s SafeZone safety, security and emergency management platform to help mitigate risks to staff and customers and strengthen its capacity to respond to incidents and emergencies. SafeZone will put up to 2 500 front-line staff at more ...

  • tn_au-Gold-Coast-LRT-surfersparadise-CJ.jpg
    Metro Report International

    Gold Coast light rail extension study funded


    AUSTRALIA: Queensland’s state government and the Gold Coast city administration have agreed to fund a A$7m business case study into further extensions of the Gold Coast light rail line. The package announced on August 6 by state Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk envisages that around A$5m will be spent ...

  • au-brisbane-tbm-katejones2

    Cross River Rail TBMs arrive in Brisbane


    AUSTRALIA: The two tunnel boring machines to excavate the cross-city rail tunnels under central Brisbane have arrived in Queensland, state Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced on August 4.