All Book reviews articles
‘If There Were No Shinkansen‘
BOOK REVIEW: With an introduction by Prof Roderick Smith of Imperial College, London, If There Were No Shinkansen is the work of former East Japan Railway Chairman Shuichiro Yamanouchi, who died in 2008. Subtitled High-speed rail experience from its birth to today in Japan, the book ...
Book review
Le Monde a Grande Vitesse
Launched at the headquarters of the International Union of Railways in Paris, this book on high speed railways by Marie-Pascale Rauzier and François Schuiten has been prepared by Casablanca-based publisher Langages du Sud. In 232 pages it describes 21 high speed rail routes, starting with Tokyo – ...
Rail Business UK
Losing Track
Subtitled ‘an insider’s story of Britain’s railway transformation from British Rail to the present day’, this ‘semi-autobiographical’ book by John Nelson reflects on how Britain’s passenger railway has evolved over the past 50 years, with a view to informing the current Williams Review into the future ...
Rail Business UK
Overhead Line Electrification for Railways
Book Review Overhead Line Electrification for Railways By Garry Keenor Developed over several years by an experienced electrification engineer, this book is intended to provide ‘an approachable and reasonably comprehensive’ study of overhead electrification systems, setting out ‘the why as well as the what’ for readers with some basic engineering ...
Railway Directory 2018
RAILWAY DIRECTORY: Since 1895 Railway Directory has provided a comprehensive overview of the world’s railway sector. Its distillation of key facts and statistics in a consistent format has long been widely acknowledged by railway professionals as an indispensable source of information and an essential tool for doing business in this ...
Railway Directory 2017
RAILWAY DIRECTORY: In today's fast-moving and increasingly globalised railway industry, information is key to business success. Knowing who is operating in the market, and where to find potential suppliers, customers or competitors is vital. Since 1895, Railway Directory has provided a comprehensive overview of the world's railway sector. Its distillation ...
Railway Directory 2016 published
INTERNATIONAL: Running to more than 800 pages, the 121st edition of Railway Directory provides a comprehensive overview of the world's railway industry in a single book, which is widely acknowledged as an indispensable source of information. Fully updated and expanded, the 2016 issue includes details of more than 22000 industry ...
Electric Traction - Motive Power and Energy Supply
by Andreas Steimel BOOK REVIEW: This 400-page book is a compilation of lectures held at Ruhr-Universität Bochum over the past 20 years, and is intended for readers with a solid knowledge of electric motors and electronics. After a short historical review of electric traction and mechanical drives, the ...
Railway Directory 2015
INTERNATIONAL: Marking its 120th year of publication, the latest edition of Railway Directory includes extensively-updated listings and contact details for almost 5 000 companies and organisations around the world. Covering every sector of the railway industry, it includes details of around 22 000 senior executives. Separate sections cover government and ...
Trains across borders
Comparative studies on international co-operation in railway development By Dr Martin Schiefelbusch Reflecting that 'rail is today the mode of transport most negatively affected by the existence of borders within Europe', despite the Schengen agreement and a long history of co-operation, this book sets out to 'provide insights ...
Signalisation et automatismes ferroviaires - Railway signalling & automation
Co-ordinated by Walter Schön BOOK REVIEW: This three-volume overview of signalling and train control has been compiled by academics and engineers associated with the masters degree course in railways and guided transport systems which has been offered by French engineering universities since 2008. Aimed at present and future rail ...