A five-member delegation from Myanma Railways led by Minister of Transport & Communications U Aung Myaing recently visited BEML’s Rail & Metro manufacturing facility in Bengaluru to discuss the future development of Myanmar’s railways and opportunities in the electric and diesel multiple-unit and metro markets. ‘Myanmar is looking forward to explore opportunities with BEML on its rail products’, the minister said.
Rail contractor RailWorks has acquired H&H Engineering Construction, which provides maintenance and construction services for passenger, freight and industrial rail customers in the western USA. RailWorks said the integration of H&H would strategically expand its presence with a ‘best-in-class team of professionals serving a diverse base of rail customers’. RailWorks President & CEO Kevin Riddett said ‘as we continue to grow our business and execute on a shared vision with our partners at Bernhard Capital, we see a number of exciting opportunities to further expand our offerings’.
Michael Vogel, who joined leasing company Railpool as Head of Operations in April, has been appointed as authorised company representative with effect from August 1.
Rail Baltica project promoter RB Rail is to use Esri’s geographic information system software across all its project teams and as a foundation for implementing a digital twin. ‘GIS technology is universal and allows integration of various data formats and easy sharing of information with project partners — for example, to review design data, monitor construction progress, track deadlines, and manage and maintain asset registers’, said Raitis Bušmanis, head of the Virtual Design & Construction department at RB Rail. ‘We believe that collecting the design and construction data during those stages will have a huge benefit during the operations and maintenance phases, making them more efficient and cost-effective.’
Engineering, survey, installation and maintenance company Xrail Group has appointed Kelly Pepper to the newly-created role of Business Development Director for the UK and global markets. She has more than 20 years of experience in delivering multidisciplinary services for major rail infrastructure projects, most recently with Unipart Rail where she was Business Development Director responsible for the UK and Europe.