
INNOTRANS: A new business to business online marketplace was launched at InnoTrans on September 18. Alstom subsidiary StationOne is looking to provide a common platform connecting rail industry vendors and operators throughout the world.

The platform is designed as a way for vendors to promote their products and for operators to access a broader range of products and services. The single catalogue approach will enable buyers to compare products and source alternatives for obsolete components.

StationOne President Didier Bohin said the platform would bring together vendors and buyers, allowing procurers to compare different offers and select the most advantageous according to the published requirements. As the transactions would be between the two parties involved, StationOne would not be involved with the quality or warranty of specific products. A comprehensive audit trail would allow users to demonstrate that the relevant procurement regulations had been followed correctly.

Offering parts and services for all areas of the rail sector, including trains, infrastructure, depots and stations, StationOne will operate as an entirely independent legal entity from Alstom to ensure complete neutrality and confidentiality.

Bohin reported that more than 50 vendors had signed up to the scheme in the month since StationOne was opened to vendors. The platform is due to go live for customers in November.