European Rail Traffic Management System news – Page 3

  • Cork signalling announcement

    Cork Area Commuter Rail programme makes progress


    IRELAND: The Cork Area Commuter Rail programme is progressing ‘swiftly’, according to Iarnród Éireann CEO Jim Meade, with the award of the signalling works contract for the project. The programme to upgrade the lines radiating from Cork to Mallow, Cobh and Midleton is intended to improve ...

  • Impression of Siemens Mobility Mireo EMU for Baden-Württemberg

    Siemens Mobility to supply 28 EMUs for Digital Node Stuttgart project


    GERMANY: Siemens Mobility has been awarded a contract to supply electric multiple-units equipped for attended automated operation as part of the Digital Node Stuttgart pilot project within the Digital Schiene Deutschland (Digital Rail Germany) programme. The €300m contract awarded by the Land of Baden-Württemberg’s rolling stock ...

  • nl-Lineas-Loc-NL
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    Comment: Green credentials on the line


    The European Commission’s Greening Freight proposals reiterate the EU’s commitment to growing rail’s share of the logistics chain, but they also set out the challenge the sector will face amid the complexity and cost of building new infrastructure, and as measures are adopted to aid the decarbonisation of competing modes.

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    Train Control: Say goodbye to lineside hardware with satellites and digital comms


    A marriage of satellite communications with fully digital train control could eliminate lineside signals and related equipment, achieving huge savings and making the rail mode more affordable. Preliminary trials are already in progress.

  • eu_space
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    Space Technology: European aerospace bodies see rail opportunities


    European aerospace organisations ESA and EUSPA are developing dedicated initiatives aimed at facilitating the use of satellite technology in rail applications, with ERTMS a particular focus. Nick Kingsley reports.

  • Queensland train

    ‘Over and back’ speeds Brisbane ETCS testing


    AUSTRALIA: Hitachi Rail has adopted ‘over and back’ switching principles to speed up the testing of digital train control systems being installed on the southeast Queensland rail network. ETCS Level 2 operation is being introduced in conjunction with Brisbane’s Cross River Rail project, which will see ...

  • Train and EU flag

    Rail projects receive share of €6·2bn of Connecting Europe Facility grant funding


    EUROPE: Various rail enhancement schemes are among the 107 projects on the Trans-European Transport Network which have been allocated a total of €6·2bn under the latest EU Connecting Europe Facility grant provisions.

  • Thameslink ETCS contract
    Rail Business UK

    Thameslink EMUs to get ETCS onboard upgrade


    UK: A five-year contract to upgrade the Class 700 Thameslink EMU fleet to the latest specification of European Train Control System has been awarded through the cross-industry East Coast Digital Programme. The £32·7m contract announced on June 21 was signed by infrastructure manager Network Rail, operator ...

  • ÖBB Desiro and GYSEV Flirt at Szentgotthárd

    ETCS Level 2 installed on Sopron – Szentgotthárd line


    HUNGARY: Thales has completed equipping the 110 km Sopron – Szombathely – Szentgotthárd line with ETCS Level 2, the supplier announced on May 30. The single-track electrified line is maintained and operated by Austro-Hungarian cross-border railway group GySEV. Thales says its equipment is capable of automatically ...

  • 2023-05-16-SmartRailEu-0067
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    Comment: Member states hold key to a Single European Railway Area


    The European Commission has bold plans to create a Single European Railway Area, but these ambitious aims remain firmly dependent on cooperation from member states across the Eurozone, suggests our Executive Editor Nick Kingsley.

  • Alstom SNCF TGV M

    Hitachi Rail awarded TGV cab signalling contract


    FRANCE: National operator SNCF has awarded Hitachi Rail a framework agreement to supply dual ERTMS/TVM onboard signalling equipment for its high speed train fleets, including the future Alstom TGV M trainsets. The equipment will combine the European standard ETCS with the TVM high speed line cab ...

  • Milano station passengers (Photo: Benfuenfundachtzig/Pixabay)

    Italian ERTMS support scheme approved


    ITALY: A €300m scheme to provide direct government grants for the acquisition and installation of ETCS onboard equipment has been approved by the European Commission under EU state aid rules. The programme running to the end of 2026 aims to encourage passenger and freight modal shift ...

  • BDZ electric loco

    Bulgarian ETCS support scheme approved


    BULGARIA: The European Commission has approved under EU state aid rules a €32m Bulgarian scheme to encourage freight and passenger modal shift from road to rail. To be funded through the Recovery & Resilience Facility, the scheme aims to remove technical barriers to rail interoperability and ...

  • Freightliner Ipswich
    Rail Business UK

    Freightliner creates ERTMS training academy


    UK: Freightliner has developed a rail freight training academy in Ispwich to support the roll out of ERTMS. The operator has leased the seventh floor of MCR Property Group’s St Vincent House office building, which offered ‘a blank canvas within which to create a unique space ...

  • RER-B-Chatelet-signal-3
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    Train Control: SNCF committed to NExTEO roll out


    Despite speculation to the contrary, SNCF Réseau and its contractors are continuing to roll out the NExTEO communications-based train control system which will manage the extended RER Line E in Paris, as project manager Jérôme Lefebvre explains to Jérémie Anne.

  • ch-Stadler Bussnang visit March 2023-TB (6)

    Stadler sees growth amid the turmoil


    Continuing the remarkable expansion of recent years, Swiss-based Stadler remains profitable as it pivots towards the signalling sector. Toma Bačić reports from the company’s headquarters in Bussnang.

  • Slovakian GSM-R contract

    Slovakian main line GSM-R contract signed


    SLOVAKIA: Infrastructure manager Železnice Slovenskej Republiky has awarded a contract to roll out GSM-R to support ETCS Level 2 on its 329 km main line linking Varín east of Žilina to Košice and Čierna nad Tisou on the Ukrainian border. The €40m turnkey contract has been ...

  • se-goteborg-port-credit-port-of-gotthenburg-jvg-gbg-0176
    In depth

    Sweden: Investment volte-face exposes fragility of EU rail vision


    The decision last December by the incoming Swedish government to scale back radically the national high speed rail programme and remove the routes from the pan-European TEN-T network has raised profound questions about the country’s commitment to EU rail ambitions, as Nick Kingsley explains.

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    AŽD Praha to trial Czech digital branch line concept in Hungary


    EUROPE: AŽD Praha says it plans to apply its ‘Intelligent Railway 4.0’ digital branch line concept on the Szeged – Röszke line in Hungary.

  • Alstom is to install ETCS Level 2 on sections of the North-South Commuter Railway in Manila totalling 106 km under a €1·1bn contract awarded by Mitsubishi Corp in early March.
    Metro Report International

    Alstom to deploy ETCS Level 2 in Manila


    PHILIPPINES: Alstom is to install ETCS Level 2 on sections of the North-South Commuter Railway in Manila totalling 106 km under a €1·1bn contract awarded by Mitsubishi Corp in early March.