All Finland articles – Page 4

  • VR Transpoint Finnlog woodchip wagons (2)

    Wagons delivered for wood chip import service


    EUROPE: The Finnlog subsidiary of Finland’s VR Group has taken delivery of 35 wagons manufactured by ZMK which will be used for transporting wood chips from Metsä Group’s Svir sawmill in Russia to its pulp mill at Joutseno in Finland. Cross-border freight ...

  • VR train

    Finnish ETCS Level 2 test route contract awarded


    FINLAND: Transport infrastructure agency Väylävirasto has awarded Thales a contract to design, supply, install and test ETCS Level 2 signalling on the Kouvola – Kotka/Hamina line, with commercial use of the new signalling expected to begin in early 2023. The branch which serves an important port ...

  • VR Transpoint has begun regular operation of 7 000 tonne trains

    ‘Monster’ freight train in regular service


    FINLAND: VR Transpoint has begun regular operation of 7 000 tonne trains carrying Russian transit freight to the port of Hamina. The 1 km long trains with 80 wagons and the capacity of 92 lorries have been branded Mörkö, meaning a giant monster or ogre from ...

  • fi Helsinki Raide-Jokeri_01
    Metro Report International

    First tram for Raide-Jokeri line delivered


    FINLAND: The first Smart Artic X54 tram for the future Raide-Jokeri orbital light rail line linking Helsinki and Espoo was delivered by Škoda Transtech on April 9. The company is supplying 29 ForCity Smart Artic XL vehicles for the line under a €95·2m contract which Helsinki ...

  • VR FleetCare bogie

    VR FleetCare selects software for growth in a competitive market


    FINLAND: The national railway group’s rolling stock maintenance company VR FleetCare is to standardise on the Infor CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise software platform, which will be implemented by Infor’s local partner Midport Scandinavia. It will be rolled out to 1 000 users, replacing a legacy system with ...

  • Helsinki Škoda Transtech LRV impression
    Metro Report International

    Helsinki orders Crown Bridges light rail vehicles


    FINLAND: Helsinki transport operator HKL has exercised an option for Škoda Transtech to supply 23 light rail vehicles for use on the future 10 km line across the Crown Bridges, three major bridges which will link the Laajasalo district of eastern Helsinki with Korkeasaari island, the ...

  • Helsinki city transport operator HKL has signed a contract to sell 40 withdrawn Variotram trams
    Metro Report International

    Helsinki’s Variotrams sold to a new home


    FINLAND: Helsinki city transport operator HKL has signed a contract to sell 40 withdrawn Variotram trams which have been in storage since 2018. The first 20 trams were delivered by Adtranz and a further 20 by Bombardier Transportation in 1998-2003, but all suffered from problems with ...

  • fi VR Tampere Anne Nygard Unsplash

    Finnish passenger services secured as VR monopoly ends


    FINLAND: The Ministry of Transport & Communications has awarded national operator VR a public service obligation contract for the provision of loss-making but socially-desirable passenger trains during 2021. The agreement takes into account the drop in ticket revenue as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The €30·6m ...

  • Finnish Rail and Turku One Hour Train have been established by the government and local authorities to plan two major rail projects.

    Finnish Rail and Turku One Hour Train companies formed


    FINLAND: Companies have been established by the government and local authorities to plan two major rail projects. Suomi-rata Oy, or Finnish Rail, will develop plans for new alignments and additional tracks needed to provide a 1 h journey time on the main corridor between Helsinki and Tampere, ...

  • fi Operail PowerHaul loco hauling a train in Finland

    Operail begins open access freight operations in Finland


    FINLAND: Estonian national freight operator Operail ran its first commercial open access train in Finland on November 3. Port operator Rauanheimo has appointed Operail to provide haulage services from the Russian border at Vainikkala to the port of Koverhar in Hanko, around 120 km west of ...

  • fi-ffu-sleepers-relaying-in-progress

    Väylä to test synthetic sleepers


    FINLAND: Transport infrastructure agency Väylä has started testing FFU synthetic sleepers from Sekisui on the 1 524 mm gauge national network, to assess their suitability for use in very low temperatures.

  • fi VR loco picture_1_sini_mesilaakso_vr_group

    ‘Two-pronged’ locomotive brake maintenance contract awarded


    FINLAND: The national railway group’s rolling stock maintenance company VR FleetCare has awarded Knorr-Bremse RailServices a contract to maintain the brake control and wheel slide protection equipment on 46 Sr2 electric locomotives until 2028. The mixed-traffic locos have been in service since the mid-1990s. They are fitted ...

  • Stadler has awarded Teltronic a contract to supply TETRA onboard voice and data radio equipment for 60 diesel shunting locomotives which national railway VR ordered last year.

    Teltronic to supply TETRA radios for Finnish locomotives


    FINLAND: Stadler has awarded Teltronic a contract to supply TETRA onboard voice and data radio equipment for 60 diesel shunting locomotives which national railway VR ordered last year. The contract covers 60 RTP-300 EN50155/EN45545 compliant radio sets, RCC-3000 touchscreen control consoles and accessories for driver’s voice communications. ...

  • fi-first Operail PowerHauls arrive in Finland

    PowerHaul locos arrive in Finland as Operail expands outside Estonia


    FINLAND: Wabtec announced on June 26 that the first two of nine broad gauge PowerHaul diesel locomotives had been delivered to the port of Hanko in Finland for use by the local arm of Estonian state-owned operator Operail. The 1 524 mm gauge locomotives are being assembled ...

  • Mitsubishi Electric Corp has acquired a 34% stake in EKE Group’s train automation and management systems business EKE-Electronics.

    Mitsubishi Electric Corp acquires stake in EKE-Electronics


    FINLAND: Mitsubishi Electric Corp has acquired a 34% stake in EKE Group’s train automation and management systems business EKE-Electronics. The companies have also entered into a wide-ranging co-operation agreement. This gives EKE-Electronics access to fast-growing markets as well as resources for further development, and the ability to ...

  • fi Tampere's first tram has been delivered (Photo: Pasi Tiitola, Tampere Tramway)
    Metro Report International

    Tampere’s first tram delivered for testing


    FINLAND: The first of 19 ForCity Smart Artic trams to operate the future Tampere tram network was delivered to the city by Škoda Transtech on May 25. Zdeněk Majer, board member of parent company Škoda Transportation, said the bidirectional 100% low-floor trams were a ‘modern, technically proven’ ...

  • Map of the future 25 km Raide-Jokeri orbital light rail line in Helsinki.
    Metro Report International

    Helsinki regional transport authority to award Raide-Jokeri light rail operating contract


    FINLAND: The board of Helsinki Regional Transport Authority HSL has approved plans for the future operation of the Raide-Jokeri 25 km inter-urban light rail line which is currenty under construction. HSL is to directly award the capital’s transport operator HKL a contract to ...

  • Rail Baltica impression
    Rail Business UK

    Free webinars to support UK rail suppliers seeking export opportunities


    UK: The Railway Industry Association is holding a series of free webinars in partnership with the Department for International Trade to support UK rail companies looking to win export business. Participants will hear from DIT Trade Advisors about opportunities arising in a number of European countries. The ...

  • Helsinki regional transport authority HSL has named VR as the winner of a contract to operate the capital’s commuter rail services

    Helsinki commuter train operating contract won by ‘competitive, cost-effective and innovative’ bid


    FINLAND: Helsinki regional transport authority HSL has named national incumbent VR as the winner of a contract to operate the capital’s commuter rail services for 10 years from June 27 2021, with an option for a further three years. The announcement on May 5 follows the first ...

  • Turku tram impression
    Metro Report International

    Turku council backs tramway plan


    FINLAND: Turku city council gave the go-ahead to plan for the reintroduction of trams on April 20. This would form part of a wider urban development programme which aims to make the city a more attractive place to live and work, the municipality said. The city’s first ...