RUSSIA: Eurosib SPb-Transport Systems has signed an agreement to lease up to 1 000 log wagons of a new design developed by United Wagon Co’s Tikhvin plant.
The Type 13-6852 wagon ‘is unique in its technical and economic features for the Russian market,’ UWC Deputy CEO for Strategic Sales Alexander Lukyanenko said when the order was announced on July 24.
It has a higher capacity than existing designs, being designed to carry up to 74 tonnes of round or packed sawn timber between 3 m and 13 m in length without damage. Telescopic main posts increase capacity without needing pyramid loading.
The Barber 18-9855 bogies offer a 25 tonne axleload and longer maintenance intervals, while the platforms are designed for convenient inspection and maintenance of the brake equipment. The manufacturing process uses automated welding which UWC says should minimise the risk of fractures.
Eurosib SPb-TS already leases UWC container flats, vans and fertiliser hoppers. ‘UWC is our strategic partner and we have stable and mutually beneficial relationship’, said Eurosib SPb-TS Operations Director Igor Tolstikhin. ‘We are making focused efforts to improve the operational efficiency of the rolling stock. That is why we have strong interest in new wagons.’