Polo Logistica_Interporto Padova

FS Group’s Mercitalia Shunting & Terminal business has been awarded a €24m contract to provide shunting services at Interporto Padova for a further three years. There is an option for a two-year extension. The contract will see the deployment of CZ Loko Class 744.1 hybrid locomotives and the introduction of HVO fuel to reduce emissions.

Braithwaite & Co has awarded Jupiter Tatravagonka Railwheel Factory a Rs2·55bn contract to supply 9 140 wheelsets of 840 mm diameter for 25 tonne axleload wagons.

Chicago South Shore & South Bend Railroad is to install Amsted Digital Solutions IQ Series telematics units supported by the RailPulse open-architecture platform on 100 recently delivered steel coil wagons. It will be the first Anacostia Rail Holdings subsidiary to subscribe to RailPulse, which provides dynamic arrival time calculations, geofenced entry and exit alerts, accurate load status, impact detection and real-time monitoring.

GBRf 60076 at The Port of Tyne HVO refuelling station (Phto GBRf)

GB Railfreight and Drax have signed a 12-month agreement to exclusively use hydrotreated vegetable oil to fuel trains hauling biomass from the ports of Liverpool and Tyne to Drax power station.

RENFE Mercancías’ automotive subsidiary Pecovasa and haulage provider Medway have begun transporting Volkswagen vans and large cars from the Autoeuropa logistics park in Palmela near Lisboa to Raos, the port for Santander.

Shippers can now use Commtrex’s database to search for Patriot Rail freight facilities based on criteria including location, commodity type and capabilities. ‘This platform is designed to enhance the quality of data available to both rail carriers and customers, enabling us to identify shippers needing transload operations and develop solutions to meet their needs across our system’, said Patriot Rail CCO Tom Tisa.

ADIF Class 311 (Photo ADIF)

Infrastructure manager ADIF has awarded Ferrovías Astur, Talleres Alegría, Siderúrgica Requena and Invatra Alcázar a €62·5m five-year contract for the modernisation and maintenance of 43 Class 311 locos used at freight facilities in northern and central Spain.

The Toronto Stock Exchange has accepted Canadian Pacific Kansas City‘s notice of intention to implement a normal course issuer bid to purchase, for cancellation up to 37 348 539 common shares in the capital of CPKC or approximately 4% of CPKC’s common shares issued and outstanding as at February 18. ’CPKC’s ability to generate strong free cash flow and the pipeline of growth opportunities in front of us give us the confidence to reinstitute our share buyback programme’, said CPKC President & CEO Keith Creel on February 27.
