California high speed rail project train impression

USA: The California High-Speed Rail Authority board has appointed Ian Choudri as the next CEO..

His start date is still to be confirmed. He will succeed Brian Kelly, who has led the authority for six years and announced earlier in the year that he intends to retire.

Choudri is currently Senior Vice-President, Operations, at infrastructure company HNTB and has more than 30 years of experience in the transport sector, including working on high speed rail projects in France and Spain.

‘His strong understanding of complex transportation projects will help build on the progress we’ve been making and lead the organisation forward on a path to passenger service’, said Chairman of the board Tom Richards on August 8.

Choudri said ‘this is a once in a lifetime project that has the attention of the nation. I look forward to joining the ranks of the dedicated employees at the authority, rolling up my sleeves and working collectively to make our mark on high-speed rail in California. Let’s keep building and get this done.’