MOROCCO: National railway ONCF has awarded a consortium of Colas Rail and SETEC two contracts for work on the Kenitra – Marrakech high speed line with a combined value of €250m.
Under one contract worth €200m, the consortium is to design and build track, overhead power supplies and substations on the north section of the planned high speed line, covering 346 km of single-track alignment.
Under another contract worth €50m, Colas Rail and SETEC is to carry out superstructure and civil engineering works covering 112 track-km to enable the high speed services to run over sections of upgraded existing line.
Announced by Colas Rail in early February, both work packages are scheduled for completion in 2028.
‘After carrying out the track and catenary work on Morocco’s first high speed line, the Tangier – Kenitra route, between 2014 and 2018, Colas Rail is proud to be continuing the development of high speed lines in the Kingdom of Morocco’, said Hervé Le Joliff, Executive Vice-President of Colas Rail.
Civil works and track component contracts for the 430 km Kénitra – Casablanca – Marrakech high speed line have already been awarded.