All In depth articles – Page 8

  • Lumo-train-and-passenger
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    UK: Lumo takes on the airlines


    In the 18 months since its launch on the London – Edinburgh route, open access operator Lumo has driven up ridership and lifted rail’s market share significantly, as FirstGroup’s Commercial & Revenue Director Stuart Jones explains to Tony Miles.

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    UK: East Coast collaboration is delivering


    Almost uniquely among UK train operators, LNER is seeing ridership on its inter-city services well above pre-pandemic levels, while a collaborative approach between operator and infrastructure manager is driving up performance. Tony Miles investigates.

  • TransPennine-Express-Class-802-on-newly-wired-section-of-TRU-under-diesel-power-(Photo-Tony-Miles)
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    UK: Quality crumbles as rail reform programme inches forward


    While preparations continue for the establishment of Great British Railways as a ‘guiding mind’ for the national rail network, cost cutting across both operations and infrastructure is starting to impact on the quality of service and rail’s ability to contribute to meeting ambitious decarbonisation targets.

  • Inland Rail project
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    Comment: Cost control must improve


    Australia’s Inland Rail programme is the latest megaproject to face major cost control challenges, reflecting a wider problem for promoters of major infrastructure schemes. The case for developing railways is arguably more compelling than ever, but the industry must offer realistic proposals which can be put into practice cost-effectively, believes our Executive Editor Nick Kingsley.

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    Interview: Rail Cargo Austria adapts to a challenging environment


    Ongoing disruption to global supply chains and the war in Ukraine have impacted on Rail Cargo Group in recent months, but the ÖBB freight operator sees emerging opportunities in southeast Europe, as Chief Executive Officer Clemens Först explains to Toma Bačić.

  • RER-B-Chatelet-signal-3
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    Train Control: SNCF committed to NExTEO roll out


    Despite speculation to the contrary, SNCF Réseau and its contractors are continuing to roll out the NExTEO communications-based train control system which will manage the extended RER Line E in Paris, as project manager Jérôme Lefebvre explains to Jérémie Anne.

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    Europe: Alpine approach routes lag behind base tunnels


    While construction of the Brenner and Mont Cenis transalpine base tunnels is making steady if slow progress, upgrading of the approach routes has failed to keep pace. Toma Bačić and Murray Hughes assess the work in hand.

  • Beograd---Bar-line-in-Montenegro-T-Bacic-(15)
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    Montenegro: EU funding is key to rehabilitation


    Montenegro’s small network has seen only intermittent investment in recent years, and the poor state of the strategically vital main line between Bar and Beograd is an ongoing concern. Putting the country on the TEN-T map is now a priority for policymakers, as Toma Bačić explains.

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    Belgium: SNCB refines its rolling stock strategy


    Procurement of a new fleet of single-voltage EMUs including a BEMU variant will enable the Belgian national operator to consolidate its rolling stock fleet into three main types by 2030. Dr Harry Hondius explains.

  • Neubau-Albulatunnel---Sprengvorbereitung
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    Switzerland: Second Albula tunnel to open in 2024


    Tracklaying will begin in June in the replacement Albula tunnel on the Rhätische Bahn main line from Chur to St Moritz. Murray Hughes reports.

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    Algeria: Urban projects back on track


    Flush with higher revenues from oil and natural gas exports, Algeria has restarted extensions to the capital city’s metro and is unfreezing tram projects that had been put on ice. Christian Scasso reports.

  • se-goteborg-port-credit-port-of-gotthenburg-jvg-gbg-0176
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    Sweden: Investment volte-face exposes fragility of EU rail vision


    The decision last December by the incoming Swedish government to scale back radically the national high speed rail programme and remove the routes from the pan-European TEN-T network has raised profound questions about the country’s commitment to EU rail ambitions, as Nick Kingsley explains.

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    European Policy: Making the case for cross-border rail


    As part of the vision for a Single European Railway Area, a coalition of member states and European institutions is pushing to revitalise and expand cross-border passenger services as a key element in driving modal shift to rail and decarbonising the EU transport sector. Chris Jackson investigates.

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    World Speed Survey 2023: China retains the lead in post-pandemic recovery


    After the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the world’s high speed railway services have returned to a more normal operating pattern, although many of the best timings have been eased slightly, finds Jeremy Hartill.

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    Comment: Greek train crash highlights a tragic system failure


    A horrific head-on collision at Evangelismos on the Athens – Thessaloniki main line raises many questions about investment in railway safety and the human factors implications facing front-line employees. 

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    Egypt: Building a Suez Canal on rails


    Siemens Mobility is playing a vital part in construction of a 2 000 km high speed network in Egypt. Siemens Mobility’s CEO for Turnkey, Middle East & Africa Léon Soulier outlines the company’s role, its partnerships, and the impact of this huge investment.

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    Morocco: High speed lines spearhead ONCF’s development programme


    Christian Scasso assesses proposals to expand the Moroccan national network, including a further 1 300 km of high speed line.

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    Competition and co-operation in the spotlight as high speed rail sector recovers from Covid


    With many railways seeing a rapid return in traffic post-Covid, the latest UIC World Congress on High Speed Rail in Marrakech on March 8-11 focused on questions of on-rail competition and co-operation with aviation. Benjámin Zelki reports from Morocco.

  • no-Follo-flying-junctions-north-of-Ski
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    High Speed: Keeping track of new line costs


    Bane Nor and Civity have conducted econometric research into the factors influencing how far high speed rail project costs can be kept under control, with a view to learning lessons for future major rail schemes in Norway and elsewhere.

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    Poland: Airport scheme catalyses high speed network plan


    Government plans to build a central airport and make it the hub of a revamped passenger network for Poland will require the construction of 1 981 km of new lines, almost half of which will be dedicated high speed corridors. Work on the Warszawa – Łódź route is due to start next year. Benjámin Zelki  reports.