Indonesia railway news – Page 2

  • id Jakarta signing ceremony
    Metro Report International

    Jakarta metro construction contract awarded


    INDONESIA: Operator MRT Jakarta has awarded a joint venture of Hutama Karya and Japan’s Sumitomo Mitsui Construction a 4.6tr rupiah contract to build section CP203 of MRT Phase 2, which comprises a 1·4 km tunnel from Mangga Besar to Kota Tua with two stations at Kota ...

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    Southern Java double-tracking inaugurated


    INDONESIA: The completion of double-tracking work on the majority of PT KAI’s 1 067 mm gauge southern Java main line was marked by a ‘soft launch’ ceremony at Solo Balapan on October 8, attended by Transport Minister Budi Karya Sumadi. Work began in 2015 on upgrading ...

  • PT KAI and Progress Rail have signed a contract for the supply of a further 36 EMD GT38AC diesel locomotives.

    Progress Rail awarded Indonesian locomotive contract


    INDONESIA: National railway PT KAI and Progress Rail have signed a contract for the supply of a further 36 EMD GT38AC diesel locomotives. The 1 067 mm gauge locomotives, known as Class CC205 in Indonesia, are to be delivered in late 2021, and will be used to ...

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    In depth

    Indonesia: Making progress at high speed


    After a delayed start, construction of the Jakarta – Bandung high speed line is finally moving ahead, with opening now expected in 2021. Toma Bačić investigates.

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    Japan to fund four-tracking in West Java


    INDONESIA: Work is expected to begin by the end of the month to increase capacity on a congested mixed-traffic corridor in the suburbs of Jakarta. Central to the project is the four tracking and resignalling of the current 32 route-km double-track alignment between Manggarai and Cikarang. State ...

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    PPP model to fund Kalimantan coal network


    INDONESIA: A declaration to pursue construction of a number of new lines in Kalimantan under a public-private partnership model was signed at a joint meeting of ministers held on July 17. The declaration was signed by representatives of a number of private companies and public authorities, including ...

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    Jakarta - Bandung fast line study


    INDONESIA: A Japanese consortium is to undertake a pre-feasibility study into a proposed 144 route-km fast passenger line between Jakarta and Bandung for opening by 2018. Following a co-operation agreement between the Indonesian government and the Japanese Ministry of Land, Transportation & Tourism, the study will be ...