California high speed rail project train impression

USA: The California State Transportation Agency and California High-Speed Rail Authority have renewed a 2019 agreement under which the state has taken on the Federal Railroad Administration’s environmental review responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act.

California is the only state with NEPA assignment for rail projects, enabling fewer layers of review.

The state will be able to expedite reviews of the 45 km Los Angeles to Anaheim section of the high speed rail project, the Link US project for improvements at Los Angeles Union station, and the ACEforward project to expand Altamont Corridor Express services in northern California. It can also serve as NEPA lead agency for additional locally sponsored rail projects.

‘By streamlining permitting and cutting red tape, we’re working to maximise taxpayer dollars and accelerate timelines to get passengers on California high speed rail trains as quickly as possible’, said Governor Gavin Newsom on July 23.