CZECH REPUBLIC: Turnout manufacturer DT Výhybkárna Strojírna has unveiled a swing-nose crossing and switch set for high speed lines that allows through running speeds of up to 350 km/h and 230 km/h when diverging.
‘Our switches, switch structures and components are already being used in more than 30 countries around the world. The switch presented this week is a concrete result of our long-term efforts to develop and offer a product with a competitive technical level and added value created in the Czech Republic’, said General Manager Marek Smolka after the unveiling on September 10.
Marie Vopálenská, Director General of suppliers’ association ACRI, said ’the Czech railway industry is continuously increasing its share in the supply of components for high speed railways. These are sophisticated products with high added value, which are now in demand by customers in the most challenging markets worldwide.’