Homburg – Zweibrücken reopening agreement (Photo VRN)

GERMANY: A financing and implementation agreement has been signed to enable the reopening of the Homburg – Zweibrücken line with the December 2028 timetable change

‘After years of discussions and negotiations a major step has now been taken for local public transport’, said Minister-President of Rheinland-Pfalz Alexander Schweitzer when the agreement was signed on August 28. ‘The Homburg – Zweibrücken infrastructure project is a symbol of a sustainable mobility policy. It will advance rail transport throughout Westpfalz and strengthen the region economically.’

The project will require the major renewals on 6·5 km of route which has been out of use since 1991, as the tracks, signalling and level crossings are no longer usable. Stations will be opened at Beeden, Schwarzenacker, and the existing station at Einöd is to be remodelled. The line will also be electrified.

The €77·8m cost of the work will be shared by the federal government, the Länder of Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland, and the Rhein-Neckar Transport Association.

Gudrun Heß-Schmidt, Deputy Chair of the Rhein-Neckar Transport Association, said ’integration of the route into the Rhein-Neckar S-Bahn network is an important part of our vision of making local transport in the region even more efficient and environmentally friendly. The project is a shining example of successful co-operation across Land boundaries.’