ROMANIA: A €291m contract has been let to modernise and double-track the 14 km north-to-east cross-city line in Timişoara, which links Ronat with Timişoara Est.
The winning consortium is made up of Webuild (72·1% share) and Salcef (27·9%).
The contract includes the construction of three stations, five bridges and four overpasses. Once complete, passenger trains will be able to travel at speeds of up to 160 km/h and freight trains at 120 km/h.
The package forms Lot 3 of the Arad – Timişoara – Caransebeș route modernisation programme. The route lies in the Rhine-Danube TEN-T Corridor that connects București and the country’s western border.
The first two contracts to rebuild the 56 km section between Arad and Ronat were awarded to Webuild in August.