Brussels Alstom Flexity tram

BELGIUM: Brussels transport operator STIB has put the first of its ‘new generation’ Flexity trams into service on Route 51 between Midi and Stade with effect from April 26.

The 100% low-floor Series 3200 vehicles are being supplied by Alstom under a €480m framework contract which STIB awarded to Bombardier Transportation in April 2018.

Brussels Alstom Flexity tram front view

This included a base order for 49 five-section vehicles 32 m long and 11 seven-section cars of 43 m. STIB exercised an option for a further 30 of the five-section trams in June 2019. All 90 vehicles are expected to be delivered by April 2026.

STIB already has 220 earlier generation Flexity Outlook trams supplied by Bombardier from 2005: these comprise 150 five-module of Series 3000 and 70 seven-module cars of Series 4000.

Brussels Alstom Flexity tram seats

The new-generation trams have been styled by Axel Enthoven of Yellow Window, inspired by the city’s Art Nouveau heritage. The short version can carry up to 182 passengers, including 47 seated, while the long version can carry 256 with 65 seats.

Each tram provides two multifunctional spaces for wheelchair users and passengers with prams, while the seating arrangement has been reconfigured more comfortable trips on longer journeys. Manually operated ramps are provided for use at stops that do not yet have level boarding.

Brussels Alstom Flexity tram interior

Extra external cameras and mirrors have been incorporated to improve safety, while soft elements have been incorporated to reduce the impact in the event of event of a collision with cars or pedestrians. An anti-derailment monitoring system is also provided.