Network Rail and TfL to collaborate on innovation
UK: Transport for London and Network Rail have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate and share confidential information on asset management, maintenance and environmental issues.
Metro signalling: TACS supports flexible operation
An integrated train control and operating system has been successfully deployed on Qingdao metro Line 6 as a national demonstrator for China’s next generation of metro signalling.
Roma metro funding agreed as more tram extensions studied
ITALY: The municipality of Roma has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport for financing the next phases of metro Line C.
Paris metro MF19 train unveiled as next order planned
FRANCE: The first MF19 trainset for the Paris metro was unveiled by operator RATP, manufacturer Alstom and transport authority Ile-de-France-Mobilités on February 14.
New York: Subway operator seeks supplier support
Tim Mulligan is heading up a newly created rolling stock programme office at New York MTA, tasked with widening and deepening the relationship between the authority and its supply chain. He explained the plans to Nick Kingsley.
UAE rail sector graduate scheme aims to nurture local skills
UAE: The first intake has completed what Dubai metro and tram operator Keolis MHI says is the region’s first graduate training programme of its kind for the rail sector.
Mexico: Guided buses challenge urban rail projects
While Mexico is enjoying a renaissance in rail investment at a national level, urban rail projects in several cities are coming under threat from cheaper bus options and Chinese-backed ART technology. Michael Dreyer reports.
Sevilla metro Line 3 contracts awarded
SPAIN: The Junta de Andalucía has awarded a joint venture of Vías y Construcciones, Lantania and DSV Empresa Constructora y Ferroviaria a €173m contract to build Section 3 of the northern part of Sevilla metro Line 3.
Stepping into the future with Atlanta’s next metro train
USA: ‘When I stepped onto that new train this morning, it felt like stepping into the future’, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority General Manager & CEO Collie Greenwood said after the unveiling of the first Stadler CG400 metro trainset on January 30.
Iran begins series production of domestic metro trains
IRAN: Tehran Wagon Manufacturing Co has received approval for series production of metro trainsets with 85% domestic content.
Colombia: Bogotá finally chooses rail
In the 2000s the capital of Colombia was famous for its TransMilenio bus rapid transit network, but as that became overcrowded, authorities made a decision to develop metro and tram-train routes, reports Marcelo Benoit.
Warszawa receives 2bn złoty to complete metro and tram extensions
POLAND: An agreement has been signed for Warszawa to receive 2bn złoty of co-financing from the EU for the completion of metro Line 2 and ongoing tramway projects.
Brazil: Urban rail projects battle local politics
Examples in Cuiabá and Canoas show how vulnerable Brazilian urban rail projects are to changes in local politics, as well as the temptation of alternative modes which are seen as less complex, even if the benefits are lower. Marcelo Benoit examines the two cases.
Heart for transplant delivered by metro train
INDIA: Hyderabad Metro has taken part in the express transfer of a heart between two hospitals for a life-saving transplant.
Seoul network keeps growing as second section of GTX-A opens
SOUTH KOREA: Further expansion of the urban rail network around Seoul is under way with another section of the Great Train Express metro network opening, a long-disused part of the suburban rail network being revived and a further extension of the legacy metro network being approved.
Thai metro rolling stock and signalling contracts let
THAILAND: Siemens Mobility, Singapore’s ST Engineering and Bozankaya are to supply rolling stock, mechanical and electrical equipment and signalling for Bangkok’s Orange Line. Siemens has also won contracts covering rolling stock, signalling and maintenance work for the Blue Line, as well as resignalling work on the Den Chai – Chiang ...
MRT Jakarta introduces WhatsApp ticketing
INDONESIA: MRT Jakarta and Route Mobile Ltd have launched WhatsApp-based metro ticketing.
Daegu’s urban rail network grows
SOUTH KOREA: The urban rail network in Daegu has expanded following the opening of a cross-city suburban rail corridor and the extension of its metro.
Lille orders more metro trains
FRANCE: Métropole Européenne de Lille has awarded Alstom a €210m firm order to supply 15 more rubber-tyre automated light metro trainsets, following on from 27 ordered previously.
Resignalling programme to create Madrid’s first driverless metro line
SPAIN: Metro de Madrid has awarded Alstom a contract to upgrade the signalling on Line 6 to make it the city’s first driverless metro line.