Lille Mongy tram (Photo Jeremie Anne)

FRANCE: Métropole Européenne de Lille has awarded the Tramelis consortium a 10-year contract to provide project management services for the development of the planned 22 km Roubaix-Tourcoing tramway.

Roubaix-Tourcoing tram map

The Y-shaped network to the northeast of Lille would run from the Neuville area to Hem and Wattrelos. It would have 45 stops, with services running every 6 min in the peaks.

It is to be built to metre gauge, to match Lille’s existing tramway, known the Mongy which would be extended 1 km from Tourcoing-Centre to an interchange at Tourcoing-Gare. There would also be an interchange between the existing and new tramways at Eurotéléport, and interchanges between the Roubaix-Tourcoing network and metro Line 2 at Eurotéléport and Pont de Neuville.

The national government has provided €40m for the development of plans for the tramway, and opening is envisaged by 2035.


The Tramelis consortium comprises Egis, LA/BA, ILEX paysage+urbanisme, SERUE and HEXA.

Egis will lead project management, including environmental design and management, BIM, scheduling, interface management and production of documentation.

LA/BA and ILEX will advise on buildings, public spaces and landscaping, while SERUE and HEXA will provide expertise on roads and infrastructure.