St Petersburg PKTS Slavyanka tram (Photo PK TS)

RUSSIA: The first vehicle for the future Kupchino – Shushary – Slavyanka fast light rail route in St Petersburg has been rolled out at PK TS’s Nevsky factory in the city.

The line is being developed by the BaltNedvizhService joint venture of ABZ-1 and Gazprombank under a 30-year PPP concession agreement signed with the city in October 2019. The 21 km line with 15 stops will be separate from the city’s tram network operated by Gorelektrotrans.

In May 2023 the concessionaire awarded PK TS a 4bn rouble contract to supply 22 LRVs for the project. An initial 10 are to be delivered for the opening of the first phase between Kupchino and Shushary in 2025, with the remaining 12 to expand the fleet on completion of the second phase.

The Type 71-932 Nevsky three-section fully low-floor double-sided design is also used by Gorelektrotrans.