All Metro Report International articles – Page 179
Metro Report International
Shanghai driverless metro contract awarded
CHINA: Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Co has awarded the signalling contract for metro Line 14 to the Thales SEC Transport joint venture of Thales and Shanghai Electric. Scheduled to open at the end of 2020, the driverless east-west line would run 38·5 km underground, serving 31 stations.
Metro Report International
Tram collision detection system on test in Basel
SWITZERLAND: Baselland Transport is testing a collision warning system on a light rail vehicle. If it proves successful, the operator intends to equip its entire fleet of Tango LRVs. BLT is working with rolling stock supplier Stadler and Bosch Rail Transport, which has supplied its Tram Forward Collision Warning ...
Metro Report International
Kawasaki to supply 535 New York Subway cars
USA: The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority board voted on January 24 to approve the purchase of 535 metro cars from Kawasaki Rail Car Inc for $1·4bn. The contract includes options for up to 1 077 additional cars, which would bring the order value to $3·7bn if they are exercised. ...
Metro Report International
København light rail contractors selected
DENMARK: Siemens has been selected to supply 27 Avenio trams to operate on the Ring 3 light rail line in København. It will supply the 36·9 m long vehicles as part of a consortium with Aarsleff Rail that is preferred bidder for the railway systems contract. Project promoter Hovedstadens ...
Metro Report International
Funding agreed for T9 in Paris
FRANCE: Construction of light rail route T9 in the inner southwestern suburbs of Paris is expected to begin later this year following the signature of a funding agreement for the €404m project. The Ile-de-France region is providing 52∙5% of this total, its funding partners being central government (22∙5%), the département ...
Metro Report International
BART Fleet of the Future train carries passengers in San Francisco
USA: The first train of BART’s Fleet of the Future has entered passenger service in San Francisco. The 10-car trainset is initially running on the Richmond – Warm Springs/South Fremont route during off-peak hours. Bombardier Transportation is supplying 775 cars under a framework contract signed in 2012 and subsequent ...
Metro Report International
Düsseldorf tests new ticket vending machines
GERMANY: Düsseldorf light rail operator Rheinbahn has started testing new ticket vending machines on its trams. The operator is purchasing 263 TVMs for its trams and LRVs at a cost of €4·4m. Dortmund-based ICA Traffic is installing the machines at Rheinbahn’s main workshop, and is also supplying the back-office ...
Metro Report International
Mobile technology ecosystems to transform travel in 2018
This year will see the more widespread adoption of mobile-first infrastructure by transport operators, predicts Robert Sprogis, Director of Mobile at Cubic Transportation Systems, who says effective implementation will require an integrated strategy leveraging the total mobile ecosystem.
Metro Report International
Lisboa tram and bus investment plan presented
PORTUGAL: Lisboa bus and tram operator Carris has presented its 2018 budget to the municipality. A total investment of more than €57m is planned for this year, including €43·9m to renew the bus fleet. Carris expects to call tenders for the supply of 250 buses. Other planned investments ...
Metro Report International
St Louis unveils north-south LRT plan
USA: Proposals for a north-south light rail line in St Louis have been unveiled by the city authorities at a series of community consultation meetings which began on January 16. East-West Gateway Council of Governments, has launched a conceptual design study for the 27·3 km Northside-Southside LRT in partnership with ...
Metro Report International
Wuhan opens Optics Valley light rail network
CHINA: A two-line light rail network in Wuhan opened on January 18. The Optics Valley tram network, also known as Guanggu tram, is focused to the Donghu New Technology Development Zone in the southeast of the city. Construction was approved in March 2014 and test running started on December ...
Metro Report International
Marseille metro calls automation tenders
FRANCE: Suppliers have until February 13 2018 to submit bids to the Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence for a fleet of driverless trains and related automation equipment to be operated by Régie de Transports de Marseille. Tenders for the Nouveau Metro de Marseille (Neomma) project cover renewal of the existing rolling stock ...
Metro Report International
Singapore – Malaysia metro agreement signed
ASIA: A bilateral agreement setting out how the Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System Link cross-border metro project is to be undertaken was signed by the governments of Singapore and Malaysia on January 16. The agreement covers technical, safety and security requirements; the commercial, financing, procurement and regulatory frameworks; ...
Metro Report International
Driverless buses to be tested in Singapore
SINGAPORE: Volvo Buses and Nanyang Technological University announced on January 11 that they had signed a co-operation agreement for a two-year driverless bus research project. Two Volvo 7900 Electric 12 m long buses are to be used, with proof-of-concept trials taking place in Sweden, before the buses arrive in ...
Metro Report International
Amsterdam completes Noord-Zuid metro line
NETHERLANDS: Construction of the Amsterdam Noord-Zuid metro line has been officially completed and the route is ready for the start of trial operation, the city council announced on January 11. Running from Amsterdam Zuid station to the suburbs north of the IJ river, the 9·8 km line has been under ...
Metro Report International
Hangzhou metro Line 4 extends
CHINA: A southern extension of Hangzhou metro Line 4 from Jinjiang to Puyan opened on January 9. The 11·2 km underground extension crosses the Qiantang River and serves seven stations, with one due to open at a later date. Line 4 now runs 20·8 km from runs Pengbu to ...
Metro Report International
CRRC unveils carbon fibre metro car bodyshell
CHINA: CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co unveiled a prototype of what it says is the world’s first carbon fibre metro car bodyshell on January 7. The manufacturer says that the composite materials used allow the car to be 35% lighter than the average metal body bodied metro car, which ...
Metro Report International
Siemens to electrify Ahmedabad metro
INDIA: Ahmedabad metro project promoter MEGA has awarded Siemens a €76m contract to electrify of the first phase of the city’s metro network. Siemens will electrify two metro lines with a combined length of 39·2 km, as well as providing SCADA equipment. In November, Hyundai Rotem was awarded ...
Metro Report International
Chengdu driverless metro contracts awarded
CHINA: Chengdu Railway Corp has awarded contracts for the supply of traction equipment and signalling for the first phase of Chengdu metro Line 9, which will be the city’s first driverless metro line. The two contracts are worth a total of €64m. Line 9 Phase 1 is expected to ...
Metro Report International
Suburban metro Line S9 opens in Nanjing
CHINA: Nanjing was not left out of the seasonal multitude of urban rail openings as 2017 drew to a close, with the inauguration of suburban metro Line S9 taking place on December 30. Also known as the Nanjing–Gaochun Intercity Railway or Ninggao Intercity Railway, the route is 52·4 km ...