Genova metro extension map

ITALY: Genova municipality has approved plans for a 3 km western branch of the metro with four stations.

This is to branch off the existing line at Dinegro and run west to Fiumara with three intermediate stations, including an interchange with the rail network at Sampierdarena.

The project is expected to cost €400m with completion planned by 2027.

The municipality has also called tenders for the construction of a second metro line linking Brignole to Molassana through the Bisagno Valley. The 6·5 km elevated line would be fully automated.

Work on a northern extension of the existing line to Canepari is underway for opening next year, and an eastern extension to Piazza Martinez is scheduled to open by 2024. On the existing line, Corvetto station is to be built between between De Ferrari and Brignole stations by 2025.