Tehran domestic metro train

IRAN: Tehran Wagon Manufacturing Co has received approval for series production of metro trainsets with 85% domestic content.

This follows 1½ years of testing of a prototype seven-car set developed under the National Train project which was launched in 2019 to increase the level of localisation in the transport engineering sector. The government has invested US$30m in the project, which is expected to support 12 000 jobs and reduce costs by US$720 000 per car.

MAPNA is to supply 42 car bodies and 84 bogies under a contract signed in September 2024. Braking systems and automatic doors are to be produced by Tivan Termez Raili.

The initial plan is for the production of one eight-car and 15 seven-car trainsets.

The Tehran metro is estimated to need 1 500 cars, and significant potential demand from other cities is envisaged.