BRAZIL: Metrô de São Paulo has awarded Agis Construção a R$2bn contract to supply and install power supply and telecommunications systems, as well as platform screen doors for metro Line 2-Green.
The contract provides for the installation of equipment on both the 8∙3 km northeastern extension of Line 2 being built between Vila Prudente and Penha and the existing section between Vila Prudente and Vila Madalena.
On the Penha extension, low-, medium- and high-voltage power supply systems are to be installed for the provision of traction power supply, as well as auxiliary power supply systems for the operation of ventilation, escalators, elevators and platform screen doors, fire detection and extinguishing system, as well as lighting.
Telecommunications and fibre optic systems are to be installed for data transmission, fare collection, electronic and multimedia monitoring.
On the section in operation, platform screen doors are to be installed at eight stations, and the third rail power supply system is to be replaced on 11 km. Telecommunications systems are also to be renewed.
A grant covering US$160m of the cost is being provided by the World Bank.