London Underground Bakerloo Line train (1)

UK: Transport for London has once again postponed plans to source 10% of its power needs from new-build wind or solar farms through a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement.

The initial procurement, codenamed PPA Comet, had been withdrawn after what TfL told Metro Report International was ’a disappointing response due to a number of factors, including market uncertainty’.

After seeking market feedback TfL had planned to launch a revised procurement process by the end of October.

However, in an update on October 20, it said ‘due to the announcement of the Energy Prices Bill and the subsequent market uncertainty it has caused, we are pausing these plans to re-launch in the short-term’.

TfL said it remained fully committed to transitioning to net zero by 2030 and would look to re-engage with the market ‘as soon as is practically possible once this impact is better known’.

TfL as a whole uses around 1·6 TWh/year, which is currently sourced directly from the National Grid via the Crown Commercial Service.