Foshan metro Line 2 (Photo Foshan Metro)

CHINA: On August 23 Foshan Metro opened a 5·8 km extension of its Line 3 north from Zhen’an to Zhongshan Park, to the east of Foshan main line station which is currently closed for rebuilding as part of the Guangzhou – Zhanjiang high speed line project. The metro extension adds four stations in the city centre, including a second interchange on the Guangfo Line at Guicheng.

On the same day, a separate 16·4 km segment of Line 3 with nine stations opened from Lianhe, to the west of Foshan main line station, running via Foshan Xi high-speed station north to Foshan University.

Construction of the 4 km missing segment with stops at Foshan station and Dunhou is underway, but it will not open until after Foshan station rebuild is completed in late-2025. Line 3 will then be 66·1 km long, operated by a fleet of 51 six-car Type B trains from CRRC Qingdao.

  • On June 29 Suzhou Rail Transit opened its 35·2 km Line 6 with 30 stations of which eight provide interchange to other lines. It runs from Suzhou Xinqu in the northwest to Sangtiandao in the east. The previous day, Ningbo Rail Transit opened a 9·5 km northern extension currently operated as Line 5, from Xingzhuanglu to Luotuo Bridge with four intermediate stops. The northern section of the extension beyond Meiyan will eventually transfer to Line 3, with Line 5 to be continued west from Meiyan to complete a full circle of the city.