SPAIN: Infrastructure authority ADIF is testing the TCSR03 gauge-changer which has been built at Roda de Bará near Tarragona, using facilities made redundant by completion of the Madrid - Barcelona high speed line.
Developed as part of the Unichanger research programme (RG 9.09 p55), the TCSR03 is designed to accept both the Talgo and CAF variable-gauge technologies in a single module. During the validation phase, the equipment will be tested with a CAF Series 120 trainset and the ADIF high speed test train which uses the Talgo system. The trials are intended to confirm the safety and reliability of the equipment, and to ascertain the savings in cost and time compared to earlier designs of gauge-changer now in use.
The next step in the programme will be to develop a second variant also able to accept the German and Polish technologies used at the borders with the 1520 mm gauge network in eastern Europe. This will be installed in the adjacent building at Roda de Bará.