VIETNAM: The third largest city, Vinh, is getting the latest in network management systems under a contract with Siemens Integra Verkehrstechnik to install power signalling covering the station area. Vinh is 319 km south of Hanoi on the main coastal trunk line.
ILTIS provides supervision from computer workstations of all the operational functions needed to manage the movement of trains. As well as controlling signals and points, level crossings and even catenary power can be monitored - though there is no electrification through Vinh.
The first ILTIS installation was at Bern, where the first of 20 stations was brought under control in 1995. Control of 14 surrounding stations has been transferred, with six more to complete the project. The traditional mosaic tile signaller's wall panel will then be removed, and operators will work entirely with VDUs on their desks. A high level of automation is applied, including route setting, and maintenance is supported by data recording and analysis.
Since then ILTIS has been installed at Bellinzona, where more than 30 stations are controlled, and also in Hungary.
The contract for signalling at Vinh was signed in 1997 and should be completed by the end of this year. A Domino 70-E computerised interlocking will control 14 main signals, 19 shunt signals and 22 powered points. There are 18 axle-counter detected sections, seven tracks through the station itself, and a number of sidings. ILTIS interfaces with the existing single-line block equipment north and south of the station.
The full graphical interface allows signallers to control the interlocking mainly by mouse using drag-and-drop techniques, and also other equipment such as the stand-by diesel generator. Other ILTIS functions, not specified at this stage but available subsequently if desired, include automatic route setting, train describer, train databases and passenger information.