All Night trains articles – Page 6

  • Snälltåget Berlin to Malmö overnight train (4)

    Malmö – Köln suggested as first route for a network of night trains


    EUROPE: Swedish transport agency Trafikverket has suggested that Malmö – Köln could be the first route to be launched as part of a proposed network of overnight trains connecting Sweden with other European countries, and that a start data as early as 2022-23 could be possible. ...

  • DSC_0343
    In depth

    Austria: Night vision


    Austrian Federal Railways has made headlines in recent months by announcing a major expansion of its Nightjet network of overnight trains, tapping into the pan-European trend for ‘flight shaming’. But as CEO Andreas Matthä explains to Toma Bačić, this is just one strand in a strategy to deliver sustainable growth and modal shift.

  • ÖBB_Design_Nightjet_MiniSuites außen

    Nightjet plans mini-capsules for private travellers


    AUSTRIA: ÖBB has unveiled the interior designs for the sleeping car and couchette vehicles in its Siemens-built Nightjet overnight trains which are scheduled to enter service from 2022.

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    NightJet expands to Amsterdam and Brussels


    INTERNATIONAL: Regular overnight trains will return to the Netherlands with effect from the December 2020 timetable change, with the launch of a daily service between Amsterdam, München and Wien, State Secretary of Infrastructure & Water Management Stientje Van Veldhoven announced on October 10. Citing an increase in ...

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    SBB and ÖBB to strengthen overnight services


    EUROPE: Citing a significant increase in demand for international passenger services during the first half of 2019, Swiss Federal Railways announced on August 19 that it intended to strengthen its long-term co-operation with Austria’s ÖBB and expand the provision of both daytime and overnight trains. Suggesting that increased awareness ...

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    Editorial Comment

    Comment: Jumping on the night train


    After years of decline, overnight trains in Europe could be on the cusp of a renaissance. Rail is increasingly being hailed as a sustainable alternative to short-haul flying, encouraged in part by the flygskam (flight shaming) movement that originated in Sweden, and bolstered by the success of ...

  • RegioJet has bought 18 couchette cars from Deutsche Bahn, which it intends to use to lengthen its night trains on the Praha – Košice  route to up to 18 vehicles with a capacity of up to 1 000 passengers per train.

    RegioJet to strengthen overnight trains


    EUROPE: RegioJet has bought 18 couchette cars from Deutsche Bahn, which it intends to use to lengthen its night trains on the Praha – Košice route to up to 18 vehicles with a capacity of up to 1 000 passengers per train. The fleet expansion follows a successful ...

  • Swiss Federal Railways is examining options for reintroducing overnight services in partnership with Austrian Federal Railways.

    SBB looks at options to reintroduce night trains


    SWITZERLAND: Swiss Federal Railways is examining options for reintroducing overnight services to a range of European destinations. Armin Weber, Head of International Passenger Services, told Schweizer Radio & Fernsehen on May 30 that SBB had identified a market need and was looking at potential routes. If SBB decided to re-enter ...

  • London to Scotland overnight train operator Caledonian Sleeper put the first of its new fleet of CAF coaches into service on April 28.
    Rail Business UK

    Caledonian Sleeper launches new CAF coaches


    UK: London to Scotland overnight train operator Caledonian Sleeper put the first of its new fleet of CAF coaches into service on April 28. The Mk V vehicles built in northern Spain are initially being used on the Lowlander route from London to Glasgow and Edinburgh. The Highlander route between ...

  • SJ currently operates night trains to northern Sweden under contract to the government. (Photo: SJ/Mikael Strinnhed)

    Sweden to fund international night trains


    SWEDEN: Overnight trains connecting Sweden with several international European destinations are to be introduced as part of government proposals to facilitate environmentally-friendly transport. Infrastructure Minister Tomas Eneroth announced on March 31 that the Social Democratic, Centre and Green parties had reached agreement to include a SKr50m framework grant in the ...

  • Caledonian Double interior.
    Rail Business UK

    First look inside new Caledonian Sleeper trains


    UK: London to Scotland overnight train operator Caledonian Sleeper has unveiled the interiors of its new coaches, which are being built by CAF in northern Spain. Entry into service had originally been scheduled for April 2018 but is now expected by the end of May. The Lowlander route between London ...

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    Refit agreed as French night trains reprieved again


    FRANCE: Transport Minister Élisabeth Borne has authorised a €30m injection of funding to revitalise the country’s two remaining overnight trains which link Paris with Briançon in the Hautes-Alpes region and Latour-de-Carol in Pyrénées-Orientales with a portion for Rodez. Seeking to allay suggestions that the heavily subsidised services would be withdrawn, ...

  • A public sector body would be able to bid for future Scottish passenger franchises should it wish to do so, Scottish government Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure & Connectivity Michael Matheson has confirmed.
    Rail Business UK

    Public sector can bid for Scottish franchises


    UK: A public sector body would be able to bid for future Scottish passenger franchises should it wish to do so, Scottish government Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure & Connectivity Michael Matheson confirmed on August 23. Publicly-owned ferry and port operator David MacBrayne Ltd has confirmed its interest in exploring ...

  • Siemens has supplied day coaches for ÖBB's Railjet inter-city fleet over recent years, and it is now set to supply overnight coaches for the Nightjet network too.

    ÖBB chooses Siemens to build day and night fleets


    AUSTRIA: National operator ÖBB has picked Siemens Mobility as the supplier of a fleet of inter-city rolling stock. Bids closed on June 29, and ÖBB said on July 20 that it had concluded its evaluation of the tenders, allowing the preferred bidder to be named. The deal is subject to ...

  • Caledonian Sleeper club car impression.

    CAF coaches to enter service with Caledonian Sleeper in October


    UK: The coaches which CAF is building in Spain for use on Caledonian Sleeper trains between Scotland and London are expected to begin entering passenger service during October, the operator said after the first five vehicles arrived in the UK on January 15. The new stock will initially be used ...

  • Sleeping car designed by KVSZ for use on services running from 1 520 to 1 435 mm gauge networks.

    KVSZ sleeping car to be deployed on Kyiv – Wien services


    EUROPE: A sleeping car designed by Ukrainian manufacturer KVSZ for use on international services running from 1 520 to 1 435 mm gauge networks is expected to enter service on the Kyiv – Wien route from the December 10 timetable change. Representatives of the national passenger operators of Ukraine, Hungary ...

  • CAF coaches for Caledonian Sleeper services.

    Caledonian Sleeper coaches ready for testing


    UK: The first five of the 75 coaches that CAF is building for Caledonian Sleeper services between Scotland and London have arrived at the Velim test centre in the Czech Republic, where they will undergo several weeks of dynamic testing. The two seating cars, two sleeping cars and a club ...

  • A report produced by consultancy Steer Davies Gleave with support from Politecnico di Milano looks at the future of night train services.

    Passenger night trains in Europe: the end of the line? report published


    EUROPE: The European Parliament's Committee on Transport & Tourism has published a research report into the future of night train services which was produced by consultancy Steer Davies Gleave with support from Politecnico di Milano. Passenger night trains in Europe: the end of the line? looks in detail at the ...

  • Open access operator Astra Trans Carpatic has launched services between Arad and Bucureşti Nord (Photo: Astra Trans Carpatic).

    Astra Trans Carpatic launches open access night train


    ROMANIA: Open access operator Astra Trans Carpatic ran its inaugural train from Arad to Bucureşti Nord via Sighişoara and Braşov overnight on February 2. The new operator is backed by Valer Blidar, who also owns rolling stock manufacturer Astra Vagoane Călători Arad which has supplied two six-car rakes of ...

  • Nightjet rolling stock.

    ÖBB prepares for Nightjet launch


    AUSTRIA: National operator ÖBB has agreed arrangements with Deutsche Bahn to take over part of the German operator's network of overnight trains from the timetable change on December 11. DB had stated earlier this year that it would cease to run City Night Line services. On October 7 ÖBB said ...