All Poland articles – Page 4

  • IMG_2010

    Newag and PKP Intercity unveil 200 km/h Griffin locomotive


    POLAND: Newag unveiled the first 200 km/h version of its Griffin multi-system electric locomotive at the 15th Trako International Railway Fair in Gdańsk on September 20. National long-distance operator PKP Intercity placed a 258·6m złoty order for 10 Griffin E4MSP locomotives capable of 200 km/h operation ...


    Polish FRMCS testing letter of intent signed


    POLAND: A letter of intent for the implementation and testing of the Future Railway Mobile Communication System in Poland has been signed by Alstom, Ericsson, NetWorks and rail research organisation Instytut Kolejnictwa. The signatories plans to engage in joint research and development, verify requirements under real-world ...

  • Nevomo bogie

    Nevomo hails magnetic levitation test success


    POLAND: Technology company Nevomo says it has successfully completed tests to demonstrate the potential for passive levitation of vehicles on existing railway infrastructure.

  • A 3·6 km section of fast tram line in the northern suburbs of Kraków was officially inaugurated on September 4.
    Metro Report International

    Kraków fast tram route opens


    POLAND: A 3·6 km section of fast tram line in the northern suburbs of Kraków was officially inaugurated on September 4. The extension from Krowodrza Górka to Papierni Pradnickich is served by routes 18 and 50. Work is still underway on the remaining 900 m of route ...

  • nd6
    Metro Report International

    Wrocław tram extension opens


    POLAND: Revenue services on a 4·7 km tramway extension in Wrocław began on September 3. Opened with a formal ceremony the previous day, the extension runs from Park Biznesu to Nowy Dwór P+R main line station in the west of the city. It is served by ...

  • Toruń tramway extension opens
    Metro Report International

    Toruń tramway extension opens


    POLAND: An opening ceremony was held on August 25 for a 6 km extension of the tram network in Toruń. The extension links Waly gen Sikorskiego in the city centre with Heweliusza in the Jar regeneration zone to the north. There are free services from August ...

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    170bn złoty Polish infrastructure enhancement programme approved


    POLAND: The Council of Ministers approved the 2023 to 2030 National Railway Programme at a meeting on August 16. The package covers the financing of several ongoing and planned major projects, enhancements to various strategic main lines and the construction of greenfield regional railways. ...

  • PKP Intercity reissued a tender for the supply of 38 seven-car double-deck push-pull trainsets

    PKP Intercity seeks 91 locos and 38 push-pull trainsets


    POLAND: National long-distance operator PKP Intercity reissued a tender for the supply of 38 seven-car double-deck push-pull trainsets together with 45 multi-system electric locomotives on August 1. On August 4, it also called tenders for the supply of 46 electric locomotives. Push-pull & loco bid ...

  • Cargounit orders Newag locos

    Cargounit orders bi-mode locos


    POLAND: Leasing company Cargounit has awarded Newag a 183·9m złoty contract to supply 10 Dragon 2 electro-diesel locomotives with options for 20 more. The six-axle 3 kV DC locomotives are intended to be used in electric mode on main line operations in Poland, for which they ...

  • Map of the 1 435 mm gauge ‘backbone’ proposed to integrate the rail networks in Ukraine and Moldova with those in the European Union.

    Standard gauge railway ‘backbone’ proposed for Ukraine and Moldova


    EUROPE: The construction of a 1 435 mm gauge railway ‘backbone’ has been proposed as part of a strategy for closer integration of the rail networks in Ukraine and Moldova with those of the European Union.

  • CPK station impression
    In depth

    International expertise sought to support Poland’s CPK rail programme


    With the first construction contracts to be let shortly and orders for more than 100 high speed trains to follow, Marcin Horała, Secretary of State at Poland’s Ministry of Infrastructure, explains how international expertise will be needed to support the CPK programme.

  • Marcin Horała
    In depth

    Poland: Making the strategic case for the CPK rail programme


    The Centralny Port Komunikacyjny transport investment programme will improve connectivity in Poland and beyond, Marcin Horała, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure, tells Railway Gazette International.

  • Newag loco 1

    PKP Intercity orders more 200 km/h locomotives


    POLAND: National long-distance operator PKP Intercity has exercised an option to purchase five more electric multi-system locomotives from Newag. The option announced on June 21 was included in an October 2021 contract for an initial 10 Griffin E4MSP locomotives capable of 200 km/h operation. Valued at ...

  • The PUTrain group of students from Poznań University of Technology has been named winner of the 12th Railway Challenge

    PUTrain wins 2023 Railway Challenge by a whisker


    Photo: IMechE The PUTrain team celebrate their win in the 2023 Railway Challenge. SKILLS: The PUTrain group of students from Poznań University of Technology has been named winner of the 12th Railway Challenge organised in the UK by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Railway Division. ...

  • CPK Katowice to Czech border map

    Korean consortium to design Polish high speed line


    POLAND: A consortium of Korea National Railway and Dohwa Engineering has been awarded a contract to design a 70 km section of 250 km/h line between Katowice and the Czech border. The 134m złoty contract announced on June 21 has been awarded as part of the ...

  • PESA_LocoH2_presentation_Żmigród_2

    Polish hydrogen locomotive certified


    POLAND: National rail authority UTK has certified Pesa’s first SM42-6Dn hydrogen locomotive for operation. ‘This case was special, because European and national regulations do not specify requirements for a hydrogen railway vehicle’, said UTK President Ignacy Góra. ’It was a very interesting experience.’ ...

  • pl Pomorskie Alstom

    Airport link maintenance contract extended


    POLAND: Pomorska Kolej Metropolitalna has awarded Alstom a further two-year contract to maintain signalling and train control systems on its 19·5 km route serving Gdańsk airport. The contract running from May 1 covers repair and periodic inspections of equipment manufactured by Alstom, including balises, axle counters ...

  • Leo Express train

    Leo Express targets significant market share by 2030


    CZECH REPUBLIC: Open access and public service contract operator Leo Express says it is aiming to gain a ‘significant’ share of the Czech passenger market by 2030, and to launch further services in neighbouring countries. In 2022 its train and coach services in the Czech Republic, ...

  • Pomorskie voivodship has awarded Newag a 128m złoty contract to supply four Impuls 2 electro-diesel multiple-units.

    Pomorskie voivodship orders bi-mode multiple-units


    POLAND: Pomorskie voivodship has awarded Newag a 128m złoty contract to supply four Impuls 2 electro-diesel multiple-units. The contract was signed on May 15, with deliveries scheduled for the second half of 2024. The order is being financed from national and EU sources. The units will ...

  • CPK map

    Route for Poznań high speed line selected


    POLAND: Rail, airport and road project promoter Centralny Port Komunikacyjny has announced its preferred route for the Poznań arm of the proposed Y-shaped Warszawa – Łódź – Sieradz – Wrocław/Poznań high speed rail network. CPK selected its preferred Sieradz - Poznań route from four options, taking into ...