All Poland articles – Page 8

  • MPK Wrocław has awarded Pesą Bydgoszcz a 204m złoty firm order for the supply of 24 low-floor trams tailored for the needs of the city
    Metro Report International

    Wrocław tram contract awarded


    POLAND: Operator MPK Wrocław has awarded Pesą Bydgoszcz a 204m złoty firm order for the supply of 24 low-floor trams tailored for the needs of the city, with options for 16 more which could take the total value to 337·5m złoty. The 29 ...

  • Warszawa metro Skoda Transportation Varsovia trainset (2)
    Metro Report International

    Warszawa metro train unveiled


    POLAND: Škoda Transportation has unveiled the first of the trainsets it is producing for the Warszawa metro. Testing is to be undertaken the Czech manufacturer’s Plzeň plant, ahead of further trials at the Velim test centre and on the Praha metro network before delivery to Poland ...

  • pl-Sczcecin_tram-extension-22118-VW-3
    Metro Report International

    Sczcecin tramway extended


    POLAND: A western extension of Sczcecin tram routes 1 and 3 to serve the city’s Netto Arena was opened for revenue service on December 18.

  • Angermünde - Szczecin start of work (Photo: DB/Volker Emersleben)

    Germany – Poland cross-border upgrade begins


    EUROPE: Work has begin on the first phase of a project to reduce the journey time between Berlin and the Polish city of Szczecin by 20 min to 90 min. A ceremony on November 30 marked the start of work by Deutsche Bahn to upgrade the ...

  • VL80c-1601-rostov-1986-2
    In depth

    Smart maintenance: Locomotives find a new lease of life


    The delicate economics of rail freight and rapidly changing regulatory conditions have seen the emergence of a healthy market across a swathe of eastern Europe focused on the overhaul, modernisation and life-extension of Soviet-era locomotives. Vladimir Waldin provides an overview.

  • Krakow tram depot
    Metro Report International

    Tram bogie on test


    POLAND: Stadler has begun dynamic test of its TINA tram bogie, which is designed to improve ride quality while reducing noise and wear of the moving parts. The bogie is being tested in Kraków on a Tango tram which was built for research purposes. This is ...

  • Guben cross-border bridge between Germany and Poland (Photo: Global Fish, CC BY-SA 3.0)

    Poland – Germany passenger revival agreed


    EUROPE: Local transport authorities in Lubuskie voivodship and the Land of Brandenburg have agreed to reinstate passenger services on the railway between Zielona Góra in Poland and Guben, which is split by the Germany-Poland border.

  • A Class ED250 Pendolino waits to leave Kraków with a through EIP service to Warszawa, Gdansk and Gdynia.

    Developing Poland’s next generation of railway engineers


    A Class ED250 Pendolino waits to leave Kraków with a through EIP service to Warszawa, Gdansk and Gdynia. POLAND: Alstom and Politechnika Warszawska’s Faculty of Automotive & Construction Machinery Engineering have signed an agreement to co-operate in the education of future railway engineers. The project involves ...

  • pl-PKP_IC_Newag-loco-7

    PKP Intercity orders 200 km/h multi-system locomotives


    POLAND: PKP Intercity has ordered a build of 200 km/h multi-system electric locomotives from Newag for use on international and domestic services. The contract signed on October 22 covers an initial 10 locos valued at 258·6m złoty, with an option for a further five and the ...

  • Pesa 6Dn-001 hydrogen fuel cell shunting locomotive (Photo: Radosław Kopras)

    Hydrogen shunting locomotive unveiled


    POLAND: Pesa Bydgoszcz has unveiled its prototype SM42-6Dn hydrogen fuel cell shunting locomotive at the Trako 2021 trade fair in Gdańsk. ‘This initiative will be of key importance for accelerating the development of this technology in Poland’, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in a message to ...

  • Cargounit Siemens Mobility Vectron MS locomotive (2)

    Cargounit signs 30-loco framework agreement


    POLAND: Leasing company Cargounit and Siemens Mobility signed a framework contract for the supply and maintenance of up to 30 Vectron MS locomotives at the Trako trade fair on September 22. There is a firm order for 10 to be delivered between this year and the ...

  • Kaunas
    In depth

    Freight: An intermodal gateway emerges in northeast Europe


    Connected since July to the Polish border by a standard gauge link, the Kaunas Intermodal Terminal in Lithuania is set to become a strategic hub for the Baltic States as part of the wider Rail Baltica programme.

  • pl-Warszawa-Winnica-tram-terminus-210904-VW
    Metro Report International

    Warszawa tram network extended to Winnica


    POLAND: Tramwaje Warszawskie has started revenue operation on a 1·3 km extension of tram routes 2 and 17 from Nowodwory to Winnica in the north of the city.

  • UWC 46 ft flat wagon

    Flat wagons for longer containers certified


    INTERNATIONAL: United Wagon Co has obtained Eurasian Customs Union certification for the Type 13-6724 high capacity container wagon design that it has developed for Laude Smart Intermodal, which ordered 1 000 last year for use on Russia – Poland services. The Type 13-6724 wagon was designed ...

  • DiGas worked with Orion Kolej to convert a SM42 shunting loco to dual-fuel operation, using LNG supplied by Novatek Green Energy.

    Shunters converted to gas dual-fuel operation


    EUROPE: Shunting locomotives in Estonia and Poland have been converted to diesel and gas dual-fuel operation using the NYSMART technology developed by Latvian company DiGas. A TEM2 shunting locomotive belonging to Estonian state-owned oil shale company Enefit Kaevandused has been converted to ...

  • Pesa hydrogen loco impression

    Modular rolling stock and technology partnerships in Pesa’s 2025+ strategy


    POLAND: Modular and ‘hydrogen ready’ rolling stock and technology partnerships are included in a five-year development strategy set out by rolling stock manufacturer Pesa Bydgoszcz. The company said it aims to achieve stable development, strengthen its position in the domestic market and expand internationally by drawing ...

  • PCC Intermodal Pesa Gama loco impression

    PCC Intermodal orders two types of electric loco


    POLAND: PCC Intermodal has awarded two contracts for the supply of electric locomotives to support expansion of its container services. Under the first contract signed on June 29 Alstom is to supply four Traxx MS3 multi-system locomotives, and provide staff training and full maintenance services. There ...

  • PKP Energetyka has built a lithium-ion battery energy storage facility designed to stabilise the traction electricity supply and allow for more efficient use of renewable energy sources.

    Battery power banks to boost Polish traction supply


    POLAND: Traction power supply infrastructure company PKP Energetyka has built a lithium-ion battery energy storage facility designed to stabilise the traction electricity supply and allow for more efficient use of renewable energy sources. PKP Energetyka says the energy storage facility installed at Garbce, 50 km from ...

  • The technical and economic feasibility of operating 550 km/h magnetic levitation vehicles on existing railway alignments in addition to conventional trains is to be studied by infrastucture manager RFI and Polish-Swiss maglev and hyperloop technology comp

    Feasibility of adding 550 km/h maglev services to existing railway corridors to be studied


    ITALY: The technical and economic feasibility of operating 550 km/h magnetic levitation vehicles on existing railway alignments in addition to conventional trains is to be studied by infrastucture manager RFI and Polish-Swiss maglev and hyperloop technology company Nevomo. The organisations have signed a one-year memorandum of ...

  • Gdansk tram
    Metro Report International

    Gdańsk tram overhaul


    POLAND: Gdańsk’s tram operator has awarded sole bidder 4iB a 12·7m złoty contract to overhaul 10 Düwag N8C-MF01 trams. The 12-month project will include modernisation of the traction and control systems, mechanical repairs and upgrading of the passenger information systems on the vehicles, which were originally ...