Siemens Mobility news – Page 14

  • Siemens Mobility is currently undertaking a pilot project for highly automated driving on the Hamburg S-Bahn

    Automated main line train operation requirements to be studied


    GERMANY: Federal railway research body DZSF is providing €1·7m to fund two projects to define requirements for authorising the automated operation of regional and main line passenger services. The studies will consider Grade of Automation 3 (automated operation with an onboard attendant able to intervene in an ...

  • Stadtwerke Osnabrück
    Metro Report International

    Check-in/Be-out ticketing goes live


    GERMANY: Following testing, municipal operator Stadtwerke Osnabrück has gone live with Check-in/Be-out bus ticketing using the YANiQ app based on the XiXo platform. Passengers swipe to check in, and the system automatically logs them out when they alight. Users receive a bill at the end of the ...

  • us NCTD Siemens Charger

    San Diego NCTD orders more Charger locomotives


    USA: San Diego’s North County Transit District has ordered a further two Siemens Mobility Charger locomotives, taking its total order to nine. The latest order announced on October 26 will complete NCTD’s project to replace the locomotives currently used on Coaster commuter services with a more ...

  • Pojazd NEWAG dla SKM z komponentami Siemens Mobility

    Siemens Mobility and Newag sign traction equipment agreement


    POLAND: Siemens Mobility and Newag have signed a five-year framework agreement for the supply of up to 200 traction drives for Impuls 2 electric multiple-units ordered by commuter operator SKM Warszawa. This is the first contract for Siemens Mobility to delivery complete traction drives for the Polish ...

  • Düsseldorf’s Rheinbahn and Duisburg transport operator DVG have jointly awarded Siemens Mobility a contract to supply 109 Avenio HF high-floor light rail vehicles
    Metro Report International

    Düsseldorf and Duisburg place joint order for 109 light rail vehicles


    GERMANY: Düsseldorf’s Rheinbahn and Duisburg transport operator DVG have jointly awarded Siemens Mobility a contract worth almost €400m covering the supply of a total of 109 Avenio HF high-floor light rail vehicles for their interlinked networks, with an option for a further 48.

  • Siemens Mobility hydrogen Mireo impression

    ‘Holistic’ hydrogen train development agreement signed


    INTERNATIONAL: An agreement to co-operate in the joint development of ‘holistic’ hydrogen systems to facilitate the replacement of diesel trains with hydrogen fuelled vehicles has been signed by Siemens Mobility and Siemens Energy. Although Siemens Energy was spun off from the Siemens Group on September 28, Siemens ...

  • us Phoenix Valley Metro Siemens LRV
    Metro Report International

    Phoenix Valley Metro orders more LRVs


    USA: Phoenix’s Valley Metro has awarded Siemens Mobility a contract to supply a further 14 S700 light rail vehicles, augmenting the 11 ordered in 2017 The feet expansion is intended to support the 9 km South Central Extension/Downtown Hub extension which is scheduled to open in 2024. ...

  • dk DSB Siemens Vectron

    Vectron locomotives approved for operation in Denmark


    DENMARK: The first three of 42 Siemens Mobility Vectron AC electric locomotives ordered by national passenger operator DSB are expected to be delivered this month, after the Transport, Construction & Housing Authority granted approval for operation in Denmark on September 15. The 6·4 ...

  • North County Transit District has ordered five Siemens SC-44 Charger diesel-electric locomotives for Coaster commuter services.

    Siemens Mobility awarded US locomotive support contract


    USA: San Diego’s North County Transit District has awarded Siemens Mobility a 20-year contract covering technical support and material management services for up to nine Charger locomotives. In 2018 NCTD ordered five charger locos to be delivered between March and June 2021 for use on Coaster ...

  • DB Cargo has awarded Siemens Mobility a framework contract for the supply of up to 400 Vectron Dual Mode electro-diesel locomotives

    DB Cargo awards framework agreement for 400 electro-diesel locos


    GERMANY: DB Cargo has awarded Siemens Mobility a framework contract for the supply of up to 400 Vectron Dual Mode electro-diesel locomotives, which would be delivered in a number of variants to meet the national freight operator’s particular needs. Siemens Mobility said the agreement announced on ...

  • Three manufacturers have prequalified for a contract to supply a total of 194 electric-multiple units in a procurement process which is being run by Swiss Federal Railways and its local operating joint ventures Thurbo in Thurgau and RegionAlps in Valais.

    Three prequalify for large Swiss train contract


    SWITZERLAND: Three manufacturers have prequalified for a contract to supply a total of 194 electric-multiple units in a procurement process which is being run by Swiss Federal Railways and its local operating joint ventures Thurbo in Thurgau and RegionAlps in Valais. The shortlisted bidders announced on September ...

  • tn_gb-tfw-stadler-metro-citylink_02.jpg
    Rail Business UK

    Siemens Mobility to resignal Core Valley Lines


    UK: Transport for Wales has awarded Siemens Mobility Ltd a three-year contract for the renewal and replacement of lineside signalling equipment and the creation of an integrated control centre as part of the Core Valley Lines Transformation programme. This includes 50 new signals, over 300 axle counter ...

  • bg Sofia Metro Line M3 (7)
    Metro Report International

    ‘Most beautiful and cheapest’ metro line opens in Sofia


    BULGARIA: The first phase of Sofia Metro Line M3 opened on August 26, running 7·8 km east–west from Hadzhi Dimitar on Bulevard Vladimir Vazov to Krasno Selo with eight stations. ‘Our metro is the most beautiful and cheapest in Europe’, said Prime Minister ...

  • bogielifters
    Rail Business UK

    Mechan bogie lifters installed at Siemens Mobility site


    UK: A set of 22 bogie lifters which were custom designed and manufactured by Mechan have been installed to replace aging equipment at Siemens Mobility’s Lincoln site, where it undertakes the maintenance and repair of bogies from Velaro, Desiro and Desiro City fleets. ‘Siemens Mobility approached us ...

  • The government of New South Wales has awarded Siemens Mobility a A$80m contract to supply a traffic management system covering Sydney Trains operations.

    Siemens awarded Sydney traffic management system contract


    AUSTRALIA: The government of New South Wales has awarded Siemens Mobility a A$80m contract to supply a traffic management system covering Sydney Trains operations. Scheduled to be ready for operation in 2023, the TMS will continually monitor the position of all trains, helping to keep services running ...

  • cz CD Viaggio Comfort Photo Vladimír Fišar

    ČD Viaggio Comfort coaches on test


    CZECH REPUBLIC: The first four of 50 Viaggio Comfort push-pull coaches which a consortium of Siemens Mobility and Škoda Transportation is building for national operator ČD are undergoing acceptance trials at the Velim test circuit. The tests involve all four types that are to be supplied: ...

  • Siemens Mobility Inspiro London trainset for the Piccadilly Line.
    Metro Report International

    Doors ordered for London Underground’s new Piccadilly Line trains


    UK: Knorr-Bremse’s rolling stock door subsidiary IFE has won its largest ever contract, covering the supply of door systems for the trainsets which Siemens Mobility is to build for London Underground’s Piccadilly Line. The ‘middle double-digit million-euro’ contract announced on August 3 covers ...

  • National rolling stock owning company Norske Tog has awarded Siemens Mobility a six-year framework contract covering the supply of 570 GSM-R cab radios.

    Path to FRMCS in Norske Tog cab radio framework contract


    NORWAY: National rolling stock owning company Norske Tog has awarded Siemens Mobility a six-year framework contract covering the supply of 570 GSM-R cab radios. This aims to resolve issues with equipment obsolescence and interference from public 4G mobile network operators. There is an option to upgrade the ...

  • Deutsche Bahn has announced an order for 30 inter-city trains able to run at 320 km/h.

    Deutsche Bahn orders 320 km/h Velaro derivatives


    Source: DB AG/Siemens GERMANY: Deutsche Bahn has announced an order for 30 inter-city trains able to run at 320 km/h. Chairman Dr Richard Lutz confirmed on July 15 that the operator had placed an order worth €1bn with Siemens Mobility for a derivative of the ICE3 ...

  • Siemens Mobility CEO Michael Peter

    Michael Peter to be sole CEO of Siemens Mobility as Sabrina Soussan steps down


    SIEMENS MOBILITY: Michael Peter is to be the sole Chief Executive Officer of Siemens Mobility with effect from July 10, with co-CEO Sabrina Soussan leaving at her own request. Soussan has been appointed as CEO of Swiss access control and security technology company Dormakaba Holding with effect ...