All Spain articles – Page 4

  • Iryo branded ILSA ETR1000 high speed train (Photo: Iryo)

    Iryo reports strong first year as Spanish high speed traffic grows again


    SPAIN: Iryo carried 5·2 million passengers at an average load factor of more than 65% in its first year of operation.

  • Bettembourg - Le Boulou rail motorway service

    Spain to expand rail motorway network


    SPAIN: Infrastructure manager ADIF is developing plans for a ‘rail motorway’ corridor to carry lorry trailers by rail between Zaragoza, Lleida and Tarragona. ADIF is currently upgrading the mostly single-track electrified line by lengthening passing loops to 750 m at Selgua, Marcén-Poleñino, Almudévar, Juneda and Raimat ...

  • Setrag locomotive and crew member in Gabon (Photo: Setrag)

    Date set for Luxembourg Rail Protocol to enter into force


    INTERNATIONAL: The Luxembourg Rail Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment is to enter into force in contracting states on March 8 2024, the intergovernmental ratification task force has announced.  

  • High speed train in Spain

    ALSA and Eco Rail explore high speed rail possibilities


    SPAIN: Bus operator ALSA is exploring opportunities to operate high speed passenger services in partnership with Andalucían company Eco Rail, one of the companies that missed out on ADIF’s first round of train path allocations in 2019. The two companies have spent the past three years ...

  • RENFE train and passengers at Valencia station

    European Commission says Spain has failed to apply Single European Railway Area rules


    SPAIN: The European Commission has decided to refer Spain to the Court of Justice of the European Union, saying it has failed to correctly transpose and apply Directive 2012/34/EU establishing a Single European Railway Area. The Commission explained on October 18 that it believed the Spanish ...

  • Arriva Stadler Wink multiple-unit in the Netherlands

    Deutsche Bahn to sell Arriva Group to I Squared


    EUROPE: German national railway Deutsche Bahn has signed an agreement to sell the whole of Arriva Group to infrastructure investment manager I Squared Capital. The transaction announced on October 19 is expected to complete in 2024, subject to customary closing conditions including the approval of the ...

  • RENFE freight train

    RENFE Mercancías selects strategic partner


    SPAIN: The board of national operator RENFE has selected Switzerland-based Mediterranean Shipping Co’s inland logistics subsidiary Medlog as strategic partner to help it develop freight business RENFE Mercancías into an integrated logistics business. The search for a strategic partner for RENFE Mercancías has been underway for ...

  • Alstom Talent Energy internship programme

    Alstom training programme seeks Spanish students and graduates


    SPAIN: Alstom has launched a further edition of its Talent Energy internship programme in Spain, aimed at students in the final year of a bachelor’s or master’s degree as well as recent graduates. Now in its 11th year, the initiative combines academic and professional experience ...

  • Evo-Rail train top unit

    On-train connectivity rolls out


    EUROPE: Following successful trials on the UK’s Island Line, FirstGroup’s railway telecoms company Evo-rail has worked with Comsa to install its Rail-5G on-train connectivity technology on the Figueres - Perpignan high speed line between Spain and France. Evo-rail said the mmWave technology which uses trackside antenna ...

  • Euskotren (Photo CAF)

    Train noise reduction collaboration


    SPAIN: Wheelset supplier CAF MiiRA is to work with Basque region train operator Euskotren to test technology designed to reduce significantly the noise generated by train wheels. Used mainly in monobloc wheels, the constrained layer damper system is tuned to damp the most relevant modes of ...

  • Alcalá de Guadaíra tramway
    Metro Report International

    Alcalá de Guadaíra tramway tenders called


    SPAIN: The junta of Andalucía has called tenders for the supply of power supply equipment, signalling and other systems to equip the tramway under construction in Alcalá de Guadaíra to the east of Sevilla. Construction of the 12·5 km line from Montecarmelo to an interchange with ...

  • RENFE CAF Cercanias Civia (Photo RENFE)
    Metro Report International

    RENFE pilots Green Mobility Hubs


    SPAIN: National train operator RENFE has launched a Green Mobility Hub pilot project to encourage rail passengers to opt for environmentally friendly first- and last-mile transport to and from stations. Suburban station car parks will be adapted to provide facilities for bikes, vehicle sharing and for ...

  • Sevilla metro
    Metro Report International

    Metro de Sevilla Line 3 tendering underway


    SPAIN: Tenders have been called for a contract to build a 1·5 km section of the future Metro de Sevilla Line 3. The €132m 36-month contract covers a section of the line which will run in a 12·5 m deep cut-and-cover tunnel with two stations at ...

  • es-La Llagosta terminal-2-ADIF

    La Llagosta logistics terminal operator appointed


    SPAIN: Infrastructure manger ADIF has awarded a joint venture of Hupac Ibérica and TPNOVA Rail & Logistic Services to operate the freight terminal which is under construction at La Llagosta, 15 km from Barcelona. The terminal is scheduled to open in Q2 2025. The operating contract ...

  • Iryo launches high speed train services to Andalucia (4)

    Deloitte to develop Spanish track access charging regime


    SPAIN: Infrastructure manager ADIF has awarded Deloitte a contract to develop a scale of access charges which will apply to RENFE, Iryo and Ouigo in 2024 and 2025. Responsibility for access charges was transferred from the state budget to ADIF in December 2022, and they can ...

  • Ex-FEVE narrow gauge DMU

    Spanish narrow gauge fares integrated


    SPAIN: Fares on the metre gauge routes formerly operated by FEVE will be integrated with the rest of national operator RENFE’s fare structure from July 17. FEVE was merged with RENFE in January 2013, but the separate fare structures were retained, including a lack of through ...

  • CAF Euskotren train
    Metro Report International

    Bilbao Line 5 trains ordered


    SPAIN: Euskotren has awarded CAF a contract to supply five Class 980 trainsets in 2026-27 for use on the future Bilbao metro Line 5. The 6·6 km Line 5 is under construction between Sarratu and Gldakao in the eastern suburbs of Bilbao. The four-car metre gauge ...

  • Talgo factory

    Talgo Inspire seeks alliances with transport technology start-ups


    SPAIN: Rolling stock manufacturer Talgo has launched a programme to work with innovative start-ups in the worldwide transport sector. The Inspire programme will use a venture client model under which Talgo will buy a start-up’s products rather than acquire an equity stake. ‘We are looking for ...

  • RENFE train and passengers at Valencia station

    Comments sought on RENFE ticketing commitments


    SPAIN: The European Commission has invited comments on commitments offered by national operator RENFE to address concerns over its alleged refusal to supply rival ticketing platforms with train information and real-time data. In April the Commission opened a formal investigation into whether RENFE may have restricted ...

  • Barcelona-Line-5-terminus
    Urban In Depth

    Comment: Bright light in Barcelona


    The UITP summit in Barcelona emphasised the importance of public transport in supporting cities, the economy and the planet, while addressing the challenges of climate change and post-covid travel patterns. Chris Jackson reflects on the conference as a platform for collaboration to secure the future of public transport.