All Spain articles – Page 9

  • RENFE high speed train.

    High speed train depot to be expanded


    SPAIN: National operator RENFE has awarded Seranco-Pavasal a €12·5m, nine-month contract to double capacity at the Santa Catalina high speed train maintenance depot in the southern suburbs of Madrid. Once the expansion has been completed and the cross-capital tunnel with 1 435 mm gauge tracks has ...

  • A project providing ‘purple officers’ to promote zero tolerance of sexist or LGBTI-phobic violence on the Barcelona metro has been launched.
    Metro Report International

    Purple officers to tackle harassment on the Barcelona metro


    SPAIN: A project providing specially trained ‘purple officers’ to promote zero tolerance of sexist or LGBTI-phobic violence, encourage respectful coexistence and assist victims of harassment has been launched by Barcelona metro operator TMB and Santa Coloma de Gramenet council. This is an ...

  • Castellón de la Plana station

    Thales awarded Mediterranean Corridor signalling contract


    SPAIN: Infrastructure manager Adif Alta Velocidad has awarded Thales a contract for signalling renewals on the 155 km Castellón de la Plana – L’Ametlla section of the Valencia – Barcelona main line, and on the 13 km branch linking L’Aldea Amposta with Tortosa.

  • CAF tram in Granada
    Metro Report International

    Granada light rail expansion gets underway


    SPAIN: Surveys have begun ahead of a call for tenders for construction of an extension to Granada’s light rail line, and an order for additional trams has been confirmed. Ayesa and Pontem Engineering Services are undertaking geotechnical surveys for the 4·6 km, six-stop southern extension between ...

  • Map of the Cherbourg-Bayonne rail motorway

    UK and Ireland to Spain ‘rail motorway’ to go ahead


    FRANCE: Brittany Ferries is going ahead with plans for a ‘rail motorway’ service carrying unaccompanied lorry trailers between the port of Cherbourg and the European Freight Centre at Bayonne near the Spanish border. This will offer connections at Cherbourg with ferries to Poole and Portsmouth in ...

  • Talgo is developing a carbon fibre reinforced polymer composite version of its characteristic ‘rodal’ running gear frames.

    Carbon fibre reinforced polymer high speed train running gear frame on test


    SPAIN: Talgo is developing a carbon fibre reinforced polymer composite version of its characteristic ‘rodal’ running gear frames. The company expects this will offer a 50% reduction in weight compared to using welded steel plates, with an associated cut in energy consumption and track wear as ...

  • es-Iryo-branded-ILSA-ETR1000-credit-Iryo
    In depth

    Interview: Iryo targets a 30% share


    Ahead of the launch of its Iryo-branded high speed service in Spain later this year, we ask ILSA Chief Executive Simone Gorini to outline his vision for the Trenitalia-backed entrant to the high speed market.

  • Parc Bit
    Metro Report International

    Palma metro extension approved


    SPAIN: Plans to extend the Palma metro 1·4 km from Universitat de les Illes Balears west to the Parc Bit science and technology area have been approved by the regional government. An invitation to tender is expected to be issued soon. The project is budgeted at ...

  • TAV1_Viaducto-Mañaria_160314cz
    In depth

    Spain: ‘Basque Y’ inches ahead


    Located in a mountainous area presenting formidable engineering challenges, the Y-shaped 1 435 mm gauge high speed network linking San Sebastián, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Bilbao in Spain’s Basque region has been designed to handle both passenger and freight trains. Mike Bent reports.

  • RENFE has presented the first of 14 Class 730 electro-diesel gauge changing trainsets to undergo a mid-life refurbishment in a €11m programme which is being undertaken at Talgo’s Las Matas works.

    RENFE and Talgo present first refurbished Class 730


    SPAIN: National operator RENFE has presented the first of 14 Class 730 electro-diesel gauge changing trainsets to undergo a mid-life refurbishment in a €11m programme which is being undertaken at Talgo’s Las Matas works. The Class 730s are rebuilds from dual-voltage Class 130 electric trainsets, and ...

  • Bilbao station window

    Six options in Santander – Bilbao railway study


    SPAIN: The Ministry of Transport, Mobility & the Urban Agenda has published details of its ‘Informative Study’ for a new railway line between Santander and Bilbao. Prepared by WSP Spain-Apia and Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas under a €1∙2m contract awarded in September 2020, the study puts ...

  • es-Bilbao tram estension Bolueta-credit Carmelo Zaita
    Metro Report International

    Bilbao tram extension opens


    SPAIN: A 2·3 km extension of Bilbao’s city centre tramway was opened for revenue service on March 25, linking Atxuri and Bolueta.

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    Conference calls for more freight routes to and from Spain


    SPAIN: Salvador Galve, Chairman of the Railway Commission of the General Council of Industrial Engineers, presented the European Alliance for the Development of Railway Corridors in the Iberian Peninsula initiative at a conference held in Madrid on March 9. According to Galve, less than 4% of ...

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    MainRail to digitalise ADIF maintenance records


    SPAIN: Aldesa Group company Coalvi and Rover Rail have selected the MainRailMT digital platform for tracking and asset condition and managing maintenance tasks in real time. The two companies will deploy the technology to support their contract to maintain more than 2 700 km of ADIF’s ...

  • Santiago de Compostela derailment (Photo: Contando Estrelas CC-BY-2.0/Wikimedia Commons)

    Spain to create single transport accident investigation body


    SPAIN: The government is currently drafting legislation to establish a single transport accident investigation body, combining the responsibilities of the three commissions currently in charge of investigating maritime, civil aviation and railway accidents.

  • Cambrils, Spain
    Metro Report International

    Camp de Tarragona tram plan


    SPAIN: Catalan transport operator FGC has called tenders for a €1·9m, 18-month contract to produce specifications for the first phase of the proposed Tramvia del Camp de Tarragona light rail line. This would run 14·6 km through the municipalities of Cambrils, Salou and Vila-seca, using the ...

  • Algeciras port (Photo: ABPA)

    Algeciras picks Fesava to provide port rail services


    SPAIN: Algeciras port authority ABPA has awarded Fesava a two-year contract to provide rail services at its Isla Verde Interior and Exterior terminals. The port rail network was previously operated by ADIF under an agreement with APBA and Puertos del Estado, with rail freight operations managed ...

  • es-Madrid metro sol gran via link-2-M A Navarro
    Metro Report International

    Millimetre-wave radio data transfer trialled on the Madrid Metro


    SPAIN: Metro de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid have tested a millimetre-wave radio system supplied by Israeli company Radwin to support data transfer between trains and between train and the lineside. Radwin said the tests showed that its TerraBridge mmWave radio technology can provide a ...

  • Spanish train

    Detecting earthquakes with ADIF’s optic fibre network


    SPAIN: ADIF has signed an agreement for the Instituto Geográfico Nacional to use its optic fibre network to gather and analyse data about earthquakes, which are relatively common in the Iberian Peninsula. To date, ADIF’s 16 000 km dark optic fibre network has not been made ...

  • es-Iryo-branded ILSA ETR1000-credit Iryo

    ILSA to add a third partner


    SPAIN: Intermodalidad de Levante, the high speed joint venture between Trenitalia and Air Nostrum, is poised to agree a deal with Globalvia under which it would become the third partner in the business. Globalvia, a motorway and urban transport infrastructure concessionaire owned by three investment funds, ...