SPAIN: Indra is to develop and implement an integrated mobility-as-a-service platform enabling people to plan and pay for public and private transport services including trains, buses, taxis, bicycles, car-sharing, parking and access to low-emission zones in València, Valladolid, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gijón, Logroño and Fuenlabrada.
The €11m contract has been awarded by València’s municipal transport company EMT as part of the Ministry of Transport’s Connected Cities digital initiative. It is an open project which other cities can join, with the aim of creating a national platform that can adapt to the local needs of each municipality.
The platform is expected to be operational by the end of 2024.
Berta Barrero, Managing Director of Indra’s Mobility business, said the technology would act as an accelerator for the digitalisation of cities’ transport systems, ‘helping them develop more accessible mobility that’s more connected with their citizens, more environmentally friendly and more efficient for the authorities and operators’.