Organisation: BCR Leasing IFN SA.
Location: Romania
Auction: 4 November 2024

BCR Leasing IFN SA, with its headquarters in 15D Orhideelor Road, The Bridge 1 Building, 3rd floor, E3.L02-E3.L14 Chambers, 6th District, 060071 Bucharest postal code, Romania, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/3213/2001, sole identification number: RO 13795308, as a member of the Romanian

Commercial Bank Group, part of the ERSTE Group (the “Seller”, the “Owner”), is offering for sale through a public auction a package of movable assets, consisting of 168 freight wagons of EANOS and RGNS types.

The organizer of the auction sessions and the sale procedure is KPMG Advisory SRL, with the assets being sold owned by BCR Leasing IFN SA.

The package of movable assets put up for sale in the public auction, with ascending bids is composed of:

  • 148 EANOS wagons - open wagons (without solid roof) with 4-axle bogies for the transport of bulk goods in manual or mechanized unloading (using cranes), two double doors on each side and steel floor. The load capacity is approximately 65,6 tons per wagon. 
  • 20 RGNS wagons - open deck wagons with supporting pillars for the transport of containers, light or heavy-duty vehicles on wheels/track. The loading area is approximately 51 mp per wagon.

The wagons are stationed, under guard, on secondary tracks at Adjud Railway Station, Mărășești Railway Station, and Râmnicu Sărat Railway Station. The package of assets offered for sale is sold in the state in which it is and where it is. The sale condition is EXW Incoterms, the assets being available to the buyer directly from the three (3) locations where they are located, the seller not being responsible for moving/hauling/loading it on the Buyer’s/Bidder’s transport or for carrying out and completing customs export formalities. In this regard, the buyer will bear all the risks and costs associated with and after the movement/haulage/loading of the goods from the place of loading specified by the Seller, being the one responsible to cover the transport costs and secure the Asset.

The auction for the sale of the above-mentioned assets will take place on 12.11.2024, at 15:00 at the auction organizer’s headquarters, KPMG Advisory SRL, based in Bucharest, DN1, 89A Bucharest Road - Ploiești, Miro Offices Building, 1st District. The deadline for submitting the complete documentation is 04.11.2024, at 17:00 at the auction organizer’s headquarters, KPMG Advisory SRL, based in Bucharest, DN1, 89A Bucharest Road - Ploiești, Miro Offices Building, 1st District.

The starting price for the asset package consisting of 168 wagons is 34,809,880 LEI, excluding VAT, equivalent to 7,004,000 EUR, excluding VAT. The VAT regime applicable to capitalization is the one provided by Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code.

The auction increment is 5% of the starting price, and in the case of awarding, the difference between the awarding price and the deposited guarantee must be paid within a term not exceeding 5 working days from the date of awarding.

The public auction with an ascending price and will be conducted under the conditions of the Framework Regulation regarding the sale procedure. Additional information about the asset being sold, the auction steps, and the participation guarantee will be made available to participants through the Asset Presentation File, available for a fee of 1,000 lei + VAT or 200 EUR + VAT for foreign legal entities. A request in this regard should be sent to the following email addresses:,, and

The Presentation File issued by BCR Leasing IFN SA includes the Product Information Sheet and the Sale Regulation for the movable assets through a public ascending price auction, representing the set of rules, conditions, biding increment, procedures and other elements governing the process of selling the assets, i.e. the legal framework for the sale of movable assets consisting of 168 freight wagons of EANOS and RGNS types.

The asset package will be sold in accordance with the applicable Romanian and European legislation, as well as the internal regulations of BCR Leasing IFN SA and the group to which the company belongs.

Participation in the auction will be permitted only to those who have submitted the complete documentation by the deadline of 04.11.2024 at 17:00, in accordance with the Presentation File and the Auction

Regulation, which will be made available to applicants for a fee, have constituted the participation guarantee of 30% of the starting price, and have been declared admitted to the auction, meaning they meet the eligibility conditions established by the asset seller and the group to which it belongs.