Alstom Coradia Max 1

INNOTRANS: Alstom is highlighting how the highly modular design of its Coradia Max partly double-deck electric multiple-units can meet the varied needs of regional and long-distance markets while offering optimised operating costs.

Alstom Coradia Max 2

The Coradia Max was previous known as the Coradia Stream high capacity.

On show at InnoTrans is one of 34 four and six-car EMUs ordered by Niedersachsen transport authority LNVG in March 2021 for use on Expresskreuz Bremen/Niedersachsen services.

Alstom Coradia Max upper

The EMUs are to be deployed from December on services RE1 Hannover – Bremen – Oldenburg – Norddeich Mole/Wilhelmshaven, RE8 Hannover – Bremen – Bremerhaven and RE9 Osnabrück – Bremen – Bremerhaven. The EMUs are designed for rapid coupling and uncoupling to enable portion working on service RE1

When it placed the order LNVG said the fleet would the ‘quietest trains in Germany’, and offer step-free access, areas for people with reduced mobility, a ‘comfortable’ seat spacing, and cycle and multi-purpose areas that can be enlarged or reduced in size depending on the seasonal demand.

Alstom Coradia Max multi-function area

They have wi-fi, CCTV and a real-time passenger information system. Displays on the outside of the train indicate free seats in the coach, and passengers will also be able to access this information via an app.

Alstom Coradia Max wheelchair space

The vehicles are be the first in Germany that make full use of the European clearance profile DE3, offering more head and shoulder room on the upper floor.