
ITALY: The first of six Flirt electric multiple-units ordered as part of the electrification of the Aosta line has been unveiled at Stadler’s factory at Siedlce in Poland.

The Valle d’Aosta region ordered an initial five electro-diesel Flirts in 2015, and they entered in service from 2019 using 3 kV DC power from Torino to Chivasso and Ivrea (60 km) and diesel on to Aosta (66 km).

Electrification was subsequently agreed, and in 2022 the region ordered three EMUs, followed by one more in February 2023 and two in July 2024.


Designated ETR814, the EMUs are similar to the bi-mode units but have four rather than three passenger vehicles and no diesel powerpack.  

Trains between Ivrea and Aosta are current replaced by buses to enable the electrification which is scheduled for completion by December 2025. The work which is being undertaken by a consortium of Impresa Luigi Notari, SIFEL, Costruzioni Linee Ferroviarie and Rete Costruzioni Ferroviarie under a 2023 design and build contract. The scope includes three substations at Donnas, Chatillon and Aosta, gauge enhancement of 21 tunnels and modernisation of the stations at Montanaro, Strambino, Hône-Bard and Nus. The €79m project is being financed through the Italy’s share of the EU Recovery & Resilience Plan.

The region also hopes to reopen the 31 km from Aosta to Pré-Saint-Didier, although funding has not yet been secured.