
Co-ordinated by Walter Schön

BOOK REVIEW: This three-volume overview of signalling and train control has been compiled by academics and engineers associated with the masters degree course in railways and guided transport systems which has been offered by French engineering universities since 2008. Aimed at present and future rail professionals, the book is intended to give a complete, rather than exhaustive, introduction to the subject.

Although having their basis in French railway practice, the bilingual books address other operational and technical concepts from around the world, and have been endorsed by the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers. They cover both main line and urban rail networks, including automated metros and trams.

Volume 1 provides an introduction to the ‘environment’ of railway signalling, and its relationship with operating principles, track, electrification and rolling stock, which all influence the development and use of train control systems.

Volume 2 covers the essential functions of railway signalling, the safety issues to be addressed, and the different technologies that have been used in the past and present, before considering the factors that will influence future developments.

Volume 3 looks at specific applications of the various principles and provides technical descriptions of selected signalling and train control systems which are currently being used.

ISBN 978-2-918758-48-8 (Vol 1)
ISBN 978-2-918758-63-1 (Vol 2)
ISBN 978-2-918758-64-8 (Vol 3)

€75 per volume from Éditions La Vie du Rail, 11 rue de Milan, 75440 Paris, Cedex 09, France