Inglewood Transit Connector impression (Image City of Inglewood, public domain

USA: The Californian city of Inglewood has selected the Elevate Inglewood Partners consortium as best value proposer for the Inglewood Transit Connector project to design, build, finance, operate and maintain a 2·6 km three-station automated peoplemover.

This will link Downtown Inglewood on Los Angeles MTA’s light rail K Line with event and entertainment facilities including the Kia Forum, Sofi Stadium, YouTube Theater and Intuit Dome, as well as housing and commercial destinations in Hollywood Park.

Elevate Inglewood Partners consortium
Plenary Americas US Holdings equity member
Tutor Perini lead contractor
Parsons lead designer
Woojin Industrial System automated transit system supplier
Alternate Concepts lead operations and maintenance contractor

Three bidders were shortlisted. The city will now negotiate pricing and terms with Elevate Inglewood Partners, with the council expected to approve a contract this autumn ready for construction to begin in 2025. Opening is scheduled for 2030.

The ITC Joint Powers Authority has been formed by the city of Inglewood, LA Metro and the County of Los Angeles to oversee the project. All environmental approvals have been secured, and the Federal Transit Administration has allocated $1bn for the project, after evaluation using criteria for congestion reduction, air quality improvements and economic development.

‘The selection of a team to develop and operate the ITC is another key milestone in the process to make this transformative investment in our city a reality’, said Inglewood Mayor James T Butts on July 22.

LA Metro Chair Janice Hahn said the peoplemover would ’help alleviate traffic congestion, reduce emissions and increase ridership on LA Metro’.