Dublin Luas tram (Photo NTA)

IRELAND: The National Transport Authority has awarded Indra a contract to supply and manage a national multimodal transport payment system covering trains, trams and buses.

EMV bank card, mobile phone and smartwatch payment will be accepted, with best fares and discounts through an account-based system. There will be provision for a future mobility-as-a-service offering.

The single-supplier framework contract runs for 10 years with the option for a further 10.

Indra described it as ‘one of the world’s most important automatic fare collection projects’, encompassing the entire public transport network and worth ‘hundreds of millions of euros’ over the full term.

The supplier will now work with NTA to agree the timeframe for the rollout.

NTA’s Director of Transport Technology Bernard Higgins said ’we look forward to working with Indra in the coming years to design and implement a modern, flexible, integrated and future-proofed transport ticketing solution that best serves the needs of our customers across the country’.

Indra’s General Manager of Mobility & Technology Raúl Ripio said the contract announced on April 29 ‘strengthens Indra as one of the three or four companies in the world with the management and technological capacity to undertake a project with this ambition and complexity in one of the most tech-oriented countries in Europe, serving as a benchmark for numerous other projects and countries due to its innovative management model’.